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她真是一个性感迷人的小妞儿!What a foxy dame she is!

表情略显狡猾。A slightly foxy expression.

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世间也真有如狐般的女子吗?The world is really foxy woman?

胡里是充满魅力的王国。Foxy is full of charming kingdom.

哇,你不认为她很妩媚动人吗?Wow, don't you think she's foxy ?

他想到许·巴吞那张严肃、狡黠的脸。He thought of Hugh Barton's grave foxy face.

我很快看出那个狡猾的商人在说谎。I soon discerned that the foxy dealer was lying.

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狡音乐和视频下跌装载机是很好的。Foxy tunes and video down loader are really good ones.

我能使用FOXY探测器测量包覆产品的顶部空间吗?Can I use a FOXY probe to measure the headspace in packaged products?

一张张椭圆形马脸的坦普尔、勃克·穆利根、狐狸坎贝尔、长下巴颏儿。The oval equine faces. Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell. lantern jaws.

当弗克西于1993年9月15日去世之后,桑德海姆拒绝参加她的葬礼。When Foxy died on September 15, 1993, Sondheim refused to attend her funeral.

只需要用一些小技巧,创造力和对时尚的智慧。By all means! It just takes a little Foxy strategy, ingenuity, and fashion smarts.

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成为你想成为的人并通过把饮品滑给性感女郎来给她们留下印象。Act like the player you want to be and impress the foxy lady by sliding her a drink.

他父亲名叫赫伯特,他母亲名叫埃塔珍妮,但她自称“狐狸”。His father's name was Herbert. His mother's name was Etta Janet, but she called herself Foxy.

人们常告诉我,政客都是很狡猾很S.B的,这次布朗鲜活的证明了这个命题。Sometime, some people told me that, the politicians are foxy stupid. It has been certificated by Gordon Brown.

老百姓传言是一头残暴的狼,说它拥有强大的力量,狡猾至极,足以逃脱猎人的追捕。The local people thought it must be a ruffian wolf which had great power and was foxy enough to escape the hunting.

可见中石油不仅是虎,而且是个带有狐狸心机的漂亮的母虎。Why don't those retail investors calm down? PetroChina is not only a tiger but also a foxy and charming female tiger.

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那里不仅有一股狐骚味证明了这一切,而且那个由一个破桶充当的烟囱正在冒着烟。There was not only a foxy flavour in proof of it, there was smoke coming out of the broken pail that served as a chimney.

猎人走后,狡猾的狼却要吃掉教书先生,幸亏来了一位老伯伯及时救了教书先生。After the hunter left, the foxy wolf wanted to eat the teacher. Fortunately, there came an old man, he saved the teacher in time.

但是在当今的西方,经过狡猾妇人跟20世纪好莱坞的混合加工,只能做相近的对比了。But the West generally, with its foxy ladies and 20th century Hollywood conglomerates, can offer only relatively threadbare comparisons.