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他的忠告是主动提出的。His advice was unasked for.

我能感觉到那些没有问出口的问题。I can feel their unasked questions.

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主动提出的劝告通常是不受欢迎的。Unasked advice is not, as a rule, acceptable.

我的邻居,帕奇克,他是个酿酒师。My neighbor, Patrick the wine-maker, beat me to it, unasked.

贵公司的付款条件是下定金呢还是远期付款?As for your payment term is they down payment or unasked payment?

贵公司的付款条件是下定金呢还是分期付款?。As for your payment term, is they down payment or unasked payment?

我们未曾邀请他们来参加化妆舞会,但是他们不请自来。We have not asked them to come for masked ball, but they came unasked.

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可是,这些研究报告的批评者认为,这些研究报告都忽略了几个重大问题。Critics of these studies, however, argue that they leave important questions unasked.

要是她决定甚么时候告诉父母自己的计划,她会主动说的。If and when she decided to tell her parents about her plans, she would do so unasked.

尽管最基础和初步的关于牛粪的问题仍然存在,但最终,它都像个屁一样。Even the most basic and preliminary questions about bullshit remain, after all, not only unanswered but unasked.

在学生会里,一位自高自大、自以为是的年长访问者正在主动对一群学徒进行烦人的空洞说教。At the student union a conceited and pompous old visitor was boring a group of apprentices with his unasked for advice.

爹爹说“我有一首小诗,每天都对自己重复念个四五次”,爹爹回答了这个十八岁孩子的问题了吗?"I had this little poem that I would recite to myself at least four to five times a day, " was Dad's reply to my 18-year-old unasked question.

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我们走过左边三角形的农场,路变宽了,可以允许我们并排走在一起。但我畏缩地走在后面,想着那些没有问出口也无法回答的问题。We passed the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together. I hung back in the separate unasked and unanswerable questions.

咱们走过左面三角学形的大农场,路变宽了,可以许可咱们并排走在一路。但我退缩地走在后面,想着那一些没有问出口也没有办法回覆的需要别人解答的题目。We passed the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together. I hung back in the separate unasked and unanswerable questions.

我的希望高升,我觉得我苦难的日子将要告终,我站著等候你自动的施与,等待那散掷在尘埃里的财宝。My hopes rose high and methought my evil days were at an end, and Istood waiting for alms to be given unasked and for wealth scattered on all sides in the dust.

但我回到家里时,不知为何总觉得很羞愧,我这样未被邀请不经介绍就贸然前去看他,看起来就像是一个不懂礼貌的狂妄的年轻人。But I somehow felt greatly abashed while returning home, as if I had acted like a raw and bumptious youth in thus thrusting myself upon him unasked and unintroduced.

在这纷扰尘世中,一些刻意去追求的总也得不到,拼命摆脱的却总是不请自来。This mortal life is middle in this confusion , putting together goes and running after painstakingly cannot also get a few , desperately quit but always comes unasked.