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我的地址是河北衡水。My address is Hengshui Hebei.

这些菜都是湖南口味。Hunan is to the south of HeBei.

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今天,我们要经过滨州。Today, through Binzhou of Hebei.

1963年出生于河北邯郸。Born 1963, Handan, Hebei province.

我结业于河北大学。I graduated from Hebei University.

我来自特性掸人城市,河北省。I come from Tangshan city, Hebei Province.

欢迎访问中国河北招商网!Welcome to Hebei Investment Network , China!

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欢迎访问中国河北招商网!Welcome to Hebei Investment Network of China!

河北红小豆具有较高的营养价值。Hebei Red Bean has a higher nutritional value.

我希望布莱恩能在某天参观河北。I hope Brian can visit Hebei Province some day.

其中水马齿科为河北新纪录科。Callitrichaceae is a new record family in Hebei.

宣化白葡萄,产于河北宣化。Xuanhua white grapes, produced in Hebei Xuanhua.

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河北五环轴承有限公司始建于1993年。Hebei Wuhuan Bearing Co, Ltd was founded in 1993.

河北人叫“面羊”、“面虎”。Hebei were called "dough sheep", "face the tiger.

他说他妹妹是河北大学的一名大三学生。He said his sister is a junior at Hebei University.

冀胯窝可得良好暴露。The Hebei hip nest may result in the good exposition.

现就职于河北北方学院,任大学日语老师一职。Now I am a japanese teacher in hebei north university.

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河北沧州有哪些高中?。Which high school do there is in Hebei Cang Zhou City?

丝弦,是河北省一个古老的地方剧种。Silk string, is an ancient place in Hebei Province opera.

河北的文物古迹更是俯拾皆是。Hebei is also one of the provinces of many cultural relics.