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如果主题传播失败。If the subject propagation fails.

实现了四棱豆的快速无性繁殖。And the rapid somatic propagation was realized.

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在这种情况下不存在身份传播。There is no identity propagation in this scenario.

每次传播之间不写入分隔符。No delimiters are written between each propagation.

从顶芽繁殖后代中选育。Selection from progeny of terminal bud propagation.

同时还给出了误差传递方式。Meanwhile, have obtained the law of error propagation.

也就是说,传播的颗粒度要非常灵活。Also, the granularity of propagation should be flexible.

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饶瑞中。光在湍流大气中的传输。Propagation and Imaging of Light Wave in the Atmosphere.

深度报道是新闻宣传的支柱工程。Deep report is the supporting project for news propagation.

每一个获取和传播都有可能获取一次合并。Every harvest and propagation is likely to require a merge.

使用一次传播来传播整个文件内容。The entire file content is propagated using one propagation.

输入文件的每次传播之间包含一个分隔符。The input file contains a delimiter between each propagation.

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二维激光传播和有质动力。Two-dimensional propagation of laser and ponderomotive force.

对中华金叶榆进行嫁接和扦插繁殖试验。The grafting and cutting propagation tests of Ulmus pumila cv.

项目在获取或者传播之后是否能够保持差异性?Can a project remain at variance after a harvest or propagation?

让我们分别在每一个方向上检查安全传播。Let’s examine security propagation in each direction separately.

大猩猩在植物繁殖中的全部作用尚不清楚。The full extent of the gorillas' role in propagation is unclear.

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主要研究水平匀速滑坡涌浪的生成与传播过程。The essay researches the form and propagation of landslide surge.

三点金草地宜用无性繁殖方法建植。Asexual propagation is the proper method for Desmodium microphylum.

冲床在工作过程中辐射出的冲压噪声及其传播过程非常复杂。The noise from punch press and its propagation is very complicated.