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为什么说凤仙花“急不可待”?Why might balsam be described as impatient?

冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.

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据我所知,最爱吃苦瓜的似是湖南人。In the past, Beijing people didn't eat balsam pear.

看,我们发现了茄子,苦瓜,还有秋葵哦。Look, we found the eggplants, balsam pears and okra.

最后加入苦瓜,以中火再炒拌至所有材料熟透即可。Add balsam pear, saute with medium heat until done, serve.

香草泪添加液体奶油温暖苦瓜和顺利檀香。Vanilla Tears add a fluid creaminess to warm Balsam and smooth Sandalwood.

诸如香梨、玉米、麦片以及胡萝卜这样的食物同样能降低血脂。Food like balsam pear, corn, buckwheat and carrots can also reduce blood fat.

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通过这个研究,研究者记录下香脂冷杉的年轮的宽度。During the study, researchers recorded the width of the tree rings of balsam firs.

把鱼胶酿在苦瓜中间。将酿苦瓜隔水蒸5分钟,取出。Fill the fish meat paste in balsam pears. Steam on a plate for 5 minutes, take out.

铁杉、红香椿、香脂冷杉枞都是发现于英属哥伦比亚的其他树种。Hemlock red cedar and balsam fir are among the other trees found in british columbia.

这一天其它的必吃食物包括像苦瓜之类的新鲜蔬菜和鸡蛋。Other must-have foods on the day include fresh vegetables such as balsam pears and eggs.

苦瓜切成1吋高环状,挖出苦瓜籽后,用热水略烫取出,沥乾。Section balsam pears into 1-inch-high rings, remove seeds, shallow-scald with hot water.

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泡过这么多圣水,进过这么多圣殿,这苦瓜竟然没有变甜。Hot water so much, so much into the Temple, which has not changed even sweet balsam pear.

夏季要吃苦,当季蔬菜苦瓜无疑是好选择。The summer season to endure hardship, balsam pear is undoubtedly good choice of vegetables.

在这个岛的食物链仲,香脂冷杉被驼鹿吃,反过来,他又被狼吃。In the island's food chain, balsam firs are eaten by moose, which, in turn, are eaten by wolves.

采用水溶性的阿拉伯胶取代加拿大胶,使试验过程更加安全。Canada balsam was substituted by water-soluble acacia, which made the making process more secure.

应忌食柿子、梨、黄瓜、苦瓜、蚌肉、田螺、蟹、鳖等寒凉食品。Should diet persimmon, pear, cucumber, balsam pear, clam meat, snail, crab, cold food such as turtle.

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因为苦瓜苦寒,性收敛,寒凝使血行减慢。Because of balsam pear, sexual experience, make blood haemorrheological nature convergence line slow down.

欢庆圣诞的季节随着一棵6米高的香脂冷杉树的到来已经正式在白宫拉开序幕。The Christmas season has officially arrived at the White House in the form of a six-meter balsam fir tree.

把芡汁混合后煮熟。酿苦瓜可单独食用或点此酱汁。Mix the sauce and stew until done. Balsam pears can be served alone or accompanied with this sauce mixture.