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我要宰掉那个王八蛋。I'll kill the fucker.

你是一个聪明的家伙。You are a smart fucker.

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不能关闭的笨蛋了。Couldn't shut the fucker up.

他在那里,混蛋,老龙!There he is, fucker. Dragon!

这他妈的是怎么回事?What's the fucker is going on ?

我们是怎么把那个操蛋玩意儿给丢在半路上的?How the hell did we drop that fucker?

你是个操大爷的是的,是真的。You're an uncle fucker Yes, it's true.

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那个屌人是李刚的儿子,了不起啊!!!That fucker is Li Gang's son. Big deal!

我还以为我在罗马尼亚杀害了这个混蛋。Thought I killed that fucker in Romania.

你们这些混蛋都他妈的准备好了吗?Are you mother fucker ready for the new shit?

打从一开始我就该诅咒那个小混帐一直到下周为止。I would have cursed the little fucker into next week from the outset.

我们全都在这都是因为那鸟人他胳膊肘向外拐。但你知道吗?我要把它拐回来。That fucker 's the reason we're all here. He turned. But you know what? I'm gonna turn him back.

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有时候我就想站起来说他妈的住嘴,我已经做到了那些,你们呢?And sometimes I want to stand up and say hang on fucker , I already did that. What have you done?

你不可能跟我这个糟老头学到什么,就算我知道我也不告诉你。You certainly won't learn it from an old fucker like me. Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell a pissant like you.