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问人︰这是什麽垃圾逻辑?What crappy logic is this?

都怪他们那蹩脚的动画。It's that crappy Flash of theirs.

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他们开始觉得非常沮丧。They start to feel really crappy.

允许自己写一份蹩脚的初稿。Allow yourself to write a crappy first draft.

失败的乐队,蹩脚的所谓艺术画廊。Washed-up band, crappy so-called art gallery.

我在那稀烂的小乡村没能找到一把可用的。I couldn't get one in that crappy little town.

你现在应该心情很失落也觉得自己很彆脚吧?。Right now you are down and out and feeling really crappy.

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坏书比坏人更坏,因为它不会悔改。Crappy books are eviler than bad guys as they never regret.

挺纠结的小鸟,一爆炸还爆炸成三只更小更纠结的小鸟。Crappy bird that explodes into three smaller crappier birds.

如果你所做的蹩脚的工作让你深恶痛绝的话,那就再找一个你真正喜欢的工作去做。If you have a crappy job you despise, find a job that you love!

是那种侏儒才会喜欢跟着舞蹈的曼陀林音乐吗?That really crappy mandolin music that midgets enjoy dancing to?

另外,“少吃”确实属于那种根本不起作用并误导人信息。In addition, "eat less" is a really crappy message that doesn't work.

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如果你发现自己反复思考过去,那么就把精力放在一些糟糕的事情上。If you find yourself ruminating on the past, focus on the crappy stuff.

他们想让我们完成些烦人的团队领导任务,然后再说些大话。They re going to make us do crappy leadership tasks and all that malarkey.

因此,你实在没有多余的时间可以花在那些无聊的思想上或闹情绪。It may tap you any moment, so really you have no time for crappy thoughts and moods.

禁吃含糖,含高果糖糖浆食品或任何劣质的加工汽化物。Stop eating foods with sugar, high fructose corn syrup or any crappy processed carbs.

最后,通过将iPhone4与微软自己最糟糕的产品Vista作比较来诋毁苹果,真正是一种很恶劣的表现。Finally, it's really poor form to diss Apple by comparing it to your own crappy product.

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没有比以民族理由拒绝家里做的饭菜更让人感到讨厌的了。There's no feeling quite as crappy as turning down a home-cooked meal on ethical grounds.

我的一个朋友,在他六十多岁时老伴儿去世,曾告诉我,“发生在这个岁数上真令人讨厌。”A friend of mine, widowed in his sixties, told me, “This is a crappy age for it to happen.”

廉价的还可以让衣服屡次被它们糟糕的扣子露出马脚。Perfectly passable inexpensive pieces are given away time and again by their crappy buttons.