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我们可以用铁橇来应用杠杆原理。We can use a crowbar to apply leverage.

Michael肩上扛着一条撬棍在房内踱步。Michael paces with a crowbar over his shoulder.

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Westmoreland用一根撬棍塞住门把手。Westmoreland jams a crowbar into the door handle.

从库存的使用撬棍流行盖打开。Use the CROWBAR from inventory to pop the lid open.

他们迅速掩盖了洞口,撬棍当啷一声,落在了地上。They cover him quickly as the crowbar clangs to the ground.

为了威胁金伯利,丹用一根撬棍打碎了珍妮特的手臂。To threaten Kimberly, Dan smashes Janet’s arm with a crowbar.

我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到手推车上。I used the crowbar to pry it loose, then moved to the Trolley.

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我用撬棍把它撬松然后抬到手推车上。I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisteditinto the wheelbarrow.

我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到了手推车里。I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow.

它是撬开新的现实的精神铁橇。It is the spiritual crowbar that pries open the door to new realities.

进入锅炉房,拿起铁撬左侧拱支柱悬挂。Enter the boiler room and pick up the CROWBAR hanging on the left arch pillar.

我一只手握着铁挺,另一只手在裤袋里抚弄火柴。I had my crowbar in one hand, and the other hand played with the matches in my pocket.

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对于人们来说,在一个工作日塞进尽可能多的工作是不正常的。This may seem abnormal to people who try to crowbar as much as possible into every workday.

事实上,我听说受害者会死命地咬着,要用铁尺才能撬开他的嘴巴。In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victim's jaws open with a crowbar.

我想这个铁撬会是你强行打开连接厨房以及走廊的那个门的好工具。Now, In my view this crowbar would be Ideal for jimmying open the door In the corridor adjacent to the kitchen.

这哥们胖得像猪一样,以致不借助撬棍,就通不过门框。This fellow was porcine to such a degree that he could not fit through the average doorframe without the aid of a crowbar.

“笼中之怒”坐落在诺丁汉郡的布林斯莱小镇,在这里顾客可以在20分钟内用球棒,铁棍或是锤子打砸各式物品。Customers spend 20 minutes smashing items with either a baseball bat, crowbar or hammer at 'The Rage Cage' in Brinsley, Nottinghamshire.

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丽萨玛丽寇可,坦帕市的一个19岁女孩,因为以剃刀和铁锹为武器大闹前男友婚宴而被逮捕。Lisa Marie Coker, a 19-year-old Tampa woman was arrested after she crashed her ex-boyfriend's wedding reception armed with a razor and a crowbar.

赛克斯一边把费金骂了个狗血喷头,居然派奥立弗来干这个差使,一边使足了劲,悄没声地用撬棍干了起来。Sikes, invoking terrific imprecations upon Fagin's head for sending Oliver on such an errand, plied the crowbar vigorously, but with little noise.

在主回路过电流﹑管体过电流时通过撬棒来转移故障电流来保护速调管。Consequently, the crowbar will protect the klystron by transferring the fault current when the over-current takes place in the main circuit and tube body.