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它是一条胖嘟嘟的大毛虫了。He was a big, fat caterpillar.

毛毛虫这个角色不好!The Caterpillar is a loser part.

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毛毛虫首先开腔了。The Caterpillar was the first to speak.

毛虫变成了蝴蝶。A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

浏览或购买卡特彼勒安全鞋。Browse or Buy Caterpillar Safety Footwear.

摩根士丹利是一只正在变形的毛毛虫。Morgan Stanley is a caterpillar in metamorphosis.

下图是它的毛虫,看起来老的像它爹,你不觉得吗?The caterpillar looks like its dad, don’t you think?

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卡特彼勒公司带领工业股一路走低。Caterpillar Inc. helped lead industrial shares lower.

但是,它的毛虫却可能引起你噩梦!The caterpillar might well give you nightmares though!

这毛虫渐渐成长.这个毛虫是大的和肥的。The caterpillars grow.This caterpillar is big and fat.

从卵壳里钻出一条又瘦又饿的毛毛虫。Out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.

卡特彼勒公司表示,该公司的102,336名员工中,有7,400名在中国。Caterpillar says 7, 400 of its 102, 336 workers are in China.

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毛毛虫最终将蜕变成一只蝴蝶。The caterpillar will eventually metamorphose into a butterfly.

君主蝶的毛虫现在开始出现在百慕大地区一类的地方。Monarch caterpillar has now been spotted in places such as Bermuda.

冬虫草,高原稀有的药珍贵药材。Chinese Caterpillar Fungus is a precious medicine in Tibetan Plateau.

可爱的尺蠖就是尺蠖毛虫。The adorable inchworm is really the caterpillar of the geometer moth.

他让自己的队员食用甲鱼汤和冬虫夏草。Mr Ma said he dosed his runners on turtle soup and caterpillar fungus.

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然后它们会寻路冲破毛毛虫体外开始做茧。They bite their way out of the caterpillar and begin spinning cocoons.

我是一只茧。我要通过自己的努力变成一只花蝴蝶…A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.

采用单缸履带式战车发动机进行了一次持续480小时的试验。A singlecylinder caterpillar engine is used in a test of 480h duration.