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你几乎不能捕捉到一丁点儿作者的自我意识。You almost never catch a whiff of authorial self-consciousness.

我突然犯了作家的职业病了,所以我想将它留予读者来定义。In a fit of authorial pique, I will leave that to readers to define.

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成功是对执着者的馈赠,失败是对追求者的考验。Success is to keep an authorial donation, failure is to pursue of test.

看待这个问题的另一种方法是试着发掘作者的意图。Another way of looking at this is to make an attempt at discovering the authorial intent.

纳博科夫,专业恶作剧写作家,为细心的读者埋藏了所有种类的彩蛋以供挖掘。Nabokov, the authorial prankster, buried Easter eggs of every sort for careful readers to unearth.

我现在正在把作者的意图转变成为一种对于他们俩互相之间那种特别的感觉的审查。I'm now shifting away from authorial intent to an examination of the character's feelings for each other.

“我的10-10-10方法失败了,因为我被这件事弄得不知所措”,苏西如今有些难堪的承认。"I failed 10-10-10 because I was overwhelmed by events, " Suzy admits now, with a touch of authorial embarrassment.

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而这种新型的作者主体追求并确立自身的主体性,同时也尊重他人的存在。But while these new kind of authorial subjects pursuit and establish their subjectivity, they also respect the others.

一旦我们开始忍受自己身上或别人身上的”坏“,我们就在用自己的”创作力“对付怨情。The moment we begin tolerating meanness, in ourselves or others, we are using our authorial power in the service of wrongdoing.

根据作者设计和使用不同CO2激光聚焦方案的经验,从多方面分析比较了几种常用方案的得失。According to authorial experience on designing and using CO2 laser focus-systems, some of the gain and loss about this work is analysed.

当然,之后对作者还有一个永恒的挑战,就是促使读者不断翻页的——这是所有小说家们都要面对的。Then, of course, there is the constant authorial challenge to keep the reader turning the pages – a challenge fully met by all of these tales.

本文主要从世俗化、日常化和碎片化三个层面,来描绘作家们对无根基的现代社会的直接体认和反应。This article describe the authorial experience and reaction about the rootless modern society through secularization, daily and fragmentation.

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据此可知作者意图论不能因隐微理论的介入而前进一步,它所面临的理论难题仍然悬而未决。The conclusion is that authorial intention criticism does not benefit from esotericism and is still faced with its theoretical problems as before.

这种灵魂,或者说个性不可能存在于机械装置中,我们必须避开机械装置——否则就无法奢谈创作的价值。But this soul or personality cannot flow through the apparatus, and so the apparatus must be circumvented―otherwise authorial credit would be void.

列奥•施特劳斯的“隐微理论”同时也是一种特殊形态的作者意图批评理论,因而似乎为后者提供了有力的理论支持。Leo Strauss's esotericism, a special form of authorial intention criticism, has been regarded by some as supplying decisive support for this theory.

年轻人要是真想成为作家,研究一下怀特给出版商、读者、电影改编人和埃里奇的信算什么,他还可以做得比这多得多。A young person who aspires to create and to maintain an authorial identity could do worse than to study White’s letters to publishers, readers, movie people and Elledge.

费伦将叙事看成修辞,置重于隐含读者通过文本策略与作者的读者进行的多层次交流。In viewing narrative as rhetoric, Phelan emphasizes narrative as a multilayered communication from an implied author to an authorial audience by means of textual strategies.

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目前公司与华南理工大学的声学研究室合作,聘请权威声学专家、教授进行实地声学咨询与设计。Our company cooperates with many universities' acoustic laboratory, retain authorial acoustic experts and professor to project location to be consultation and design reference.

编年史用散文或诗描述历史事件,有时包含传说中的素材,按年代顺序记录,没有作者的解释和评论。An extended account in prose or verse of historical events, sometimes including legendary material, presented in chronological order and without authorial interpretation or comment.

用自行研制的氯化铝钙作混凝剂,配加一定量PAM,处理高炉煤气洗涤废水,取得较好效果。It proves that it is feasible and effective in treating the scrubbing water of blast furnace by using authorial self-made aluminum calcium chloride as inorganic coagulant combining with PAM feeding.