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在盒盖的背面画一个椭圆。Draw an ellipse on the box.

它是椭圆型的焦点。It's the focus of the ellipse.

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椭圆的另一个名字叫“卵形的”。Another name foran ellipse is an oval.

从工具箱中选择椭圆工具。Select the Ellipse Tool from the Toolbox.

挤椭圆约一半大小。Squish the ellipse to about half the size.

创建另一个椭圆为瓢虫的头部。Create another ellipse for the ladybug's head.

怎样参数化空间上的椭圆曲线呢?Yes? How do you parametrize an ellipse in space?

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但是,你们知道,椭圆只是一个被压扁了的圆而已。But, you know, an ellipse is just a squished circle.

填充屏幕上椭圆的扇形区域。Fills the pie-shaped area of the ellipse on the screen.

我想他问的是椭圆形或圆形的刀镡。I think he wants to know it whether ellipse or circular.

制定一个椭圆形大致的大小完成的瓢虫。Draw an ellipse roughly the size of the completed ladybug.

康帝的标志是一个由椭圆环绕的皇冠。The Kande logo is combined by a crown circled by an ellipse.

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椭圆的形状是非常普遍,其本身无法识别。The ellipse shape is very common, and unrecognisable on its own.

椭圆轨道半长轴为,近地点到远地点。A The ellipse has a semimajor axis A, -2a perigee to apogee-- is 2a.

各种物性参数均遵循近似椭圆规律变化。All the above physical parameters conform the approximate ellipse law.

玫瑰金让金戒指展现新色彩。The Golden Ellipse In Rose Gold Showcases A Totally New Color Harmony.

通过椭圆台铣削编程加工实例说明了宏程序编程过程和使用效果。And the programing and effect are stated by the process of the ellipse.

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他甚至不能区别圆和椭圆。He was unable to differentiate even between the circle and the ellipse.

现在的这棵国家圣诞树是1978年在椭圆广场栽种的。The current National Christmas Tree was planted on the Ellipse in 1978.

菌株细胞呈椭球形,革兰氏阴性,不产芽孢,无鞭毛。The strain was gram negative, ellipse cell, no spores and no flagellum.