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国王颁布了大赦令。The king decreed a general amnesty.

新皇帝宣布大赦天下。The new emperor declared a total amnesty.

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我们恳求恳求陛下给予他特赦。We supplicate your majesty to grant him amnesty.

马杜埃奎表示,特赦推动了石油生产。Maduekwe says that amnesty is boosting oil production.

但是国际特赦组织说澳大利亚的做法太过极端。But Amnesty describes the Australia's position is a poling.

这位大臣向国王转呈赦免的请求。The Minister forwarded a request for an amnesty to the King.

大赦国际上周在伦敦发布了这项报告。Amnesty International released its report in London last week.

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李逵受招安后被封为镇江润州都统制。Li Kui after being labeled by the amnesty are Runzhou control.

1802年拿破仑对大部分流亡者给予特赦。Napoleon granted the great majority of émigrés amnesty in 1802.

移民大赦使得部分非法在美居留的人得以重见天日。An immigration amnesty has enabled many illegal residents in the U.

大赦中获释的原官员们已官复原职。The officials freed under amnesty have been returned to their posts.

大赦中获释的原官员们已官复原职。The officials freed under the amnesty have been restored to their posts.

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许多人都将加入大赦国际,或是投身到“自由缅甸”运动中来。Many will sign up to join Amnesty International or the Free Burma Campaign.

总统的发言人说,她将否决任何包含特赦内容的法案。Her spokesman said she would veto any legislation that included the amnesty.

但是,即使那些罪大恶极的犯人也被大赦,谁都不用承担责任。But amnesty was granted for even the worst crimes, leaving no one accountable.

这就是为什么国际特赦组织名单里把剥夺睡眠作为一种酷刑。That's why Amnesty International lists sleep deprivation as a form of torture.

大赦国际17日透露,瑞典19日计划将至少14名伊拉克人引渡回国。Amnesty International said 17 Swedish, 19 plan to extradite at least 14 Iraqis.

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政变领导人在等待审判时被从监狱里释放并获得了特赦。The coup leaders were freed from prison while awaiting trial and given amnesty.

随后施行了慷慨的大赦,防止更多的雅典人流血。A generous amnesty succeeded in preventing any further bloodshed among Athenians.

拍卖所得将全数捐给国际特赦组织等人权团体。The proceeds will go to Amnesty International and other human rights organizations.