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他真是个伟大的航海家。He is a real great navigator.

虚拟网络导航?。VNN? Virtual Network Navigator?

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在导航器中添加分隔线Add separator lines to the navigator

韩寒和他的领航员都未受伤。Han and his navigator remained unhurt.

领航员在航海图上标出船的航线。The navigator charted the course of the ship.

这是保持导航器更新的一种基本方法。This is a basic way to keep the navigator updated.

其次,我们必须将导航器内容绑定到视图。Second, we must bind the navigator content to the view.

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即使是一个良好的导航仪可能是错的许多公里。Even a good navigator could be wrong by many kilometers.

该组件是一个页面导航器,它显示为一个树。This component is a page navigator that renders as a tree.

记住导航仪的电力大抵能支持一个星期左右。Remember the navigator is current for approximately 1 week.

我们希望从同一个导航器中访问所有的模型内容。We want to access all model content from the same navigator.

此时,我们已经将导航器的结构设置完毕。At this point, we have the structure of our navigator set up.

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导航器无法在导航器面板中显示定制的动作。Navigator does not show custom actions in the navigator pane.

这种导航器可以缩进显示子页面的名称,因此支持子页面。This navigator supports child pages by indenting their names.

王想买一辆林肯牌大轿车。这是他最喜爱的汽车。Wang wants to buy a Lincoln Navigator. It's his favorite car.

狗随即寻找隐蔽物,就躲到那辆新车下面去了。The dog takes off to find cover, under the brand new Navigator.

该表在导航视图的左上角显示。The list shows up in the Navigator view at the upper-left corner.

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如果该菜单呈灰色,不可点击,那么请先在导航程序中单击该项目。If the menu is grayed, click on the project in the navigator first.

领航员对着太阳测方位后将船朝正北驶去。The navigator took a fix on the sun and steered the ship due north.

从项目导航器中拖拉已存在的目标和任务到它上面。Drag the existing goals and tasks onto it from the project navigator.