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随之而来的是著名哲学家伊曼努尔?康德。Then along came Immanuel Kant, very famous philosopher.

小岩城以马内利华语浸信会主页。Main page for Little Rock Chinese Immanuel Baptist Church.

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哲学家伊曼努尔·康德是一个道德绝对主义发展的推动者。The philosopher Immanuel Kant was a promoter of moral absolutism.

沃勒斯坦是耶鲁大学的资深研究学者。Immanuel Wallerstein is a senior research scholar at Yale University.

以马内利阿,他展开翅膀,遍满你的地。Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land, O Immanuel !

1980年,在希拉里的怂恿下,我加入了以马内利浸礼会,开始在唱诗班中唱诗。In 1980, at Hillary’s urging, I had joined Immanuel and begun to sing in the choir.

罪得赦免是神最宝贵的礼物,以马内利降临成就了这件事。Forgiveness of sin is God's most precious gift, and Immanuel came to accomplish that.

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Esu不希望永远保持行星王子的职务,他亦不该。Sananda Immanuel does not desire to remain the Planetary Prince forever, nor should he be.

我当州长后,我们每个周日都要去伊曼纽尔浸礼会教堂唱诗班一起唱男高音。When I was governor, we sang tenor side by side in the Immanuel Baptist Church choir every Sunday.

以马内利是你的救主和生命的主吗?我们祈求有一天,世界各地的人都会一同敬拜基督。Is Immanuel your Savior and Lord? Pray for the day when peoples everywhere will worship Christ together.

“审美无利害性”是康德作为“质”的契机来规定美的。Immanuel Kant defined "disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as the moment of "quality" in beauty.

欧洲已步入后历史的天堂,实现了以马内利“康德所说的“永久的和平”。Europe itself has entered a post-historical paradise, the realization of Immanuel Kant's "Perpetual Peace".

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在饥馑仍在肆虐的地方,以马内利啊,求你展开翅膀,佑护你的儿女免于野有饿殍!Where famine yet rages, I entreat you, O Immanuel , spread your wings, protect your children from starvation!

伊曼努尔•康德无疑是个刺儿头,正如彼得•瑞克曼在文章中讨论的那样,他经常误导其他哲学家们。Immanuel Kant is no doubt a difficult and, as Peter Rickman argues in his article, often misunderstood philosopher.

庄子与康德的美学观最主要的特点是审美的主体性的确立。The main characteristic of Chuang-zi and Immanuel Kant's aesthetics view is the esthetic independent establishment.

用达伦多夫的偶像伊曼努尔·康德的话来说,惟有人的“非社会的社交性”才能刺激社会走向进步。Only man's "unsocial sociability", in the words of one of his heroes, Immanuel Kant, could sting society towards progress.

前者是柏拉图和亚里斯多德,后者是康德与约翰弥尔。The two ancient positions will be represented by Plato and Aristotle, the two modern positions by Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill.

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在英国经验派美学的影响下,康德将“审美无利害”确立为一种美学原则。Under the influence British empirical of aesthetics, Immanuel Kant established aesthetic disinterestedness as an aesthetic principle.

自在实体,指人类意识之外独立存在的客体,是康德的“自在之物”。Nourmena refers to the object existing beyond the human conception, equivalent to the concept "Ding an Sich" proposed by Immanuel Kant.

伊曼努尔·华勒斯坦把普遍性与科学紧密相联,他告诉我们,普遍主义是一种认识论,科学的目标就是寻找这些普遍性表述。Immanuel Wallerstein tells us that universalism is an epistemology, and the object of science is to search for these general statements.