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分享收入似乎希望渺茫。Revenue sharing seems a forlorn hope.

英雄生来是孤独的。Heros are born to be alone and forlorn.

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他们向我以恶报善,使我的灵魂孤苦。They repay me evil for good and leave my soul forlorn.

我写的这些字,这一群,在这没有边际、孤零零的纸上,游荡。A herd of words roams on this forlorn paper without boundary.

他们探出小脑袋来,看见了这个可怜的小姑娘。They popped up their heads and saw the forlorn little maiden.

像传闻中那个酷,这地方有一中凄凉的感觉。As cool as it sounds, there’s a sort of forlorn feel to the place.

让马克博斯曼削减一个被遗弃的数字,因为他在他的厨房立场。Jean-Marc Bosman cuts a forlorn figure as he stands in his kitchen.

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从日出到日落,它都一动不动,仿佛成了一尊被遗弃在崖边的雕像。Unmoving, he made a forlorn statue on the cliff from sunrise to sunset.

袅袅青烟。一扇扇小花格窗凄凉地洞开着。No smoke came from the chimney, and the little lattice windows gaped forlorn.

他的前任卢武铉曾情非得已的不与美国合作以增加其支持率。Mr Roh took to America- bashing in a forlorn attempt to shore up his popularity.

她感到他们没有摆脱那个苦恼地方的希望了。She felt a hopelessness of their even being extricated together from that forlorn place.

原本不过是个渺茫的希望,拖到天黑也未见得会更渺茫。It is a forlorn hope at the best, and not much the forlorner for being delayed till dark.

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Buck漫无目的地徘徊在帐篷周边,耷拉着尾巴,身体因寒冷而战抖着,被遗弃了一般。With drooping tail and shivering body, very forlorn indeed, he aimlessly circled the tent.

行了!原本不过是个渺茫的希望,拖到天黑也未见得会更渺茫。Well! It is a forlorn hope at the best, and not much the forlorner for being delayed till dark.

当感受到来自他右膝的信号后,纳达尔在第三盘一开始就像一个孤立无助的人。Nadal was a forlorn figure at the start of the third set, receiving a massage to his right knee.

杰克·科劳奥克将这一画面描述为“长镜头中荒凉地通向无限的夜路”。Jack Kerouac described the image as a 'long shot of night road arrowing forlorn into immensities.

这里没人会抱哪怕是渺茫的希望,认为像我们这种孩子能够在学习上取得进步。No one there cherished the forlorn hope that boys of our sort could make any advance in learning.

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她回想起在休息的时候她经常拉着道格拉斯的手,这个…?She recalled that frequently at recess she had taken Douglas, a scrubb forlorn child by the hand.

同时俄罗斯中央银行给大型商业银行和萧条的货币市场注资数十亿元以稳定惊恐的气氛。the central bank poured billions into big banks and the money market in a forlorn bid to calm fears.

有毒的气体让人无法呼吸,风把垃圾吹到脸上,甚至那里的老鼠看上去都是绝望的。The miasma of toxic stink leaves you gasping, breezes batter you with filth, and even the rats look forlorn.