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你是普通的伟大还是伟大的普通?Can You Be Averagely Great or Greatly Average?

你平均每月用多少钱在买啤酒方面?。How much do you spend averagely per month in buying beer?

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你平均用花多少时间去浏览时装品牌网站?。How long do you averagely spend in a fashion brand website?

目前爱可平均2分钟完成一道菜肴制作。Currently, AIC can finish a dish within 2 minutes averagely.

野生雌虎的寿命大约是15年,平均能产下5窝虎仔。Female tigers in the wild can live up to 15 years averagely.

您平均每学期会丢弃多少纸质废品?。How much paper do you averagely throw away during every semester?

所有截骨块全部愈合,平均愈合时间8周。Of these 35 cases, all the osteotomies healed in 8 weeks averagely.

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如果你只是平平,那么下周就要坐板凳。If you play only averagely then you'll be on the bench the next week.

您平均每周会丢弃多少饮料瓶?How many drinks bottles do you usually throw away averagely every week?

那些说话没那么多的人被认为是拥有普通智力而且没那么有创造力。Those who did not say much were judged as averagely intelligent and not so creative.

可按时快捷的为客户送达货物,外贸订单30至45天交货,国内平均交货期为20天。Averagely speaking, the delivery time for foreign trade is 30-45 days while for domestic around 20 days.

调查显示,上班族平均换3.32次工作、耗费3年多,才找到理想工作。The survey showed averagely the white collar would change 3.32 jobs and spend 3 years to find their ideal jobs.

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在培训仿真系统中,目前告警排障的仿真较多是基于单点产生告警和进行排障。At present, alarming and fault-removing in simulation systems for training is averagely realized on single point.

一个中等肥胖者的寿命将被缩短大约9年,而一个严重肥胖者受到的影响更大。An averagely obese person's lifespan is shortened by around nine years while a severely obese person by many more.

随着中国培训业竞争越来越激烈,培训公司的市场利润日趋平均。As Chinese training industry competes more and more intensely, market profit of training company trends averagely.

人应该在理解的要求平均聪明。如果你有一个借口,我的脾气有关的问题。Person should be averagely clever in understanding the requirement. If you have a temper related problem excuse me.

平衡度和重量适当的镖枪,一个身体健康的正常人可以投掷长达四百英尺的镖枪。With a properly balanced and weightedatlatl, it's possible for an averagely built man to propel asubstantial dart more than 400ft.

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租入固定资产改良支出应当在租赁期内平均摊销。Expenditures incurred on major repair and improvement of the rented fixed assets shall be averagely amortized during the period of leasing.

我们采用灰色预测方法与平均增长量外推法相结合,建立了一种新型的预测模型——灰色组合预测模型。We use gray dopesting method and averagely ascending quantity outside pushing method, set up a new dopesting model-gray prefab dopesting model.

然而,当五种感知均衡地分布在每一个正常人身上时,它们的平均往往导致了某一种唾手可得的扩大,比如视觉。When the five senses averagely distribute on every common person, their average always lead to magnify one certain hands-down sense. , such as sight.