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我某个下午曾经访问过那个校舍。I visited that schoolhouse one afternoon.

我们兄妹四个在附近一所学校上学,学校只有一间教室。Four of us went to a nearby, one-room schoolhouse.

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铃响了,我冲出了教学楼。When the bell rang, I bolted from the schoolhouse.

他指定校舍为开会地点。He appointed the schoolhouse as the place for the meeting.

乡村校舍距离我叔叔的农场有三英里远。The country schoolhouse was three miles from my uncle's farm.

我女儿也去过附近的一间小校舍。My daughter also got to visit a little one room schoolhouse nearby too.

一座乡村校舍靠一种老式的大腹陶制煤炉取暖。The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned coal stove.

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小小的乡下校舍靠著一只老式的煤炉取暖。The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned coal stove.

本地的学校坐落在一个家庭的土地上,是所仅有一个屋子的学校。The local school board operated a one-room schoolhouse on the family land.

一些马丁德尔居民担心他们要买走他们有着深厚感情的旧校舍。Some Martindale residents were worried that they would buy their beloved schoolhouse.

哈林顿学校是美国乔治亚州一间老旧的单间校舍。The Harrington School is an old one-room schoolhouse in the American state of Georgia.

一个业余木匠造了一所挂有匾额的红色小校舍,以纪念我付出的努力。One amateur carpenter made me a little red schoolhouse with a plaque on it commemorating my efforts.

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晚上,PRAP的步行者把他们在地面发现的物品带回设在赫拉村学校校舍内的一个临时博物馆内。At day's end the PRAP walkers carry their surface finds back to a temporary museum in a Hora schoolhouse.

19世纪老师们都在单室学校授课,这样也不存在问题,老师可以将他们的方法个性化地传授给各个学生。In the 1800s teachers in a one-room schoolhouse would have no problem customizing their approach to each student.

这天下午,贝奇·萨契在学校里那无人的院子里呆头呆脑地走来走去,心里觉得很凄凉。In the afternoon Becky Tatcher found herself moping about the deserted schoolhouse yard, and feeling very melancholy.

车上的帐篷、厨房、学习室以及移动的起居室,已让这辆车俨然成为了这个家庭的一部分。Part tent, part kitchen, part schoolhouse and part rolling apartment, the car is definitely also a part of the family.

到了选举那一天,老百姓就聚集在投票场所,这一般是学堂或是当地的寺庙。When the day of election came, the people gathered in the voting place, usually in the schoolhouse or the local temple.

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在小村Hulugo,只有一面破败不堪的肯尼亚国旗和一所用煤渣砖砌起来的校舍,而校舍的窗户则用铁丝网围成。In the village of Hulugo, there's simply a tattered Kenyan flag and a cinderblock schoolhouse with chicken wire windows.

美国的一个小学生每天要花半个小时去上学,而她的交通工具是一头骡子,让班里的同学们羡慕不已。Saje Beard's half-hour commute to class is the envy of her four classmates at a one-room schoolhouse just south of here.

当我们向家进发的时候,我转过头看着校舍,唯一看见的就是站在一楼窗口的那个士兵,目送着我的离去。As we were marching home, I turned to look at the schoolhouse. And who should I see, but my soldier in the first floor window.