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我们根本不知道传染途径。We don't know diddly squat.

就蹲下来抱抱自己悳脚。!Baobao to squat on their own feet.

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深蹲,箭步蹲,前蹲。Throwing- squat, lunge, front squat.

过不多时你就会成为深蹲大师。You'll be a squat master in no time.

你坐火车的时候也会拿它出来看?And you squat in boxcars and read it?

接下来的动作叫做半蹲。This is what I called the Halve Squat.

告诉读者们你深蹲500磅的事情。Tell the readers about the 500lb squat.

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深蹲,高翻,前蹲。Soccer- squat, power clean, front squat.

于是,我蹲下,失望地。Thereupon, I squat down , disappointedly.

托马斯现在要被从他占住的房子里驱赶出来。Thomas now faces eviction from his squat.

深蹲很痛苦但是能给你翘臀。Squat is painful yet it gives you nice ass.

在这次练习中你需要蹲下来。For this exercise you need to get into a squat.

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这两种技术是箭步式和下蹲式。The two techniques are the split and the squat.

身体弯曲成下蹲姿势,膝盖越过踝关节。Bend into a squat with your knees over your ankles.

可能是感觉到没有危险,它又急急地跑回蹲踞之处。May be sensed without danger, it hastily back squat.

尽管这个礼拜结束了,我很有可能再次采用蹲式排便。Although the week is now over, I'll probably squat again.

我不喜欢蹲的厕所,我喜欢坐的。I don't like squat toilets. I like the kind where you sit.

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如果您发现任何更好的杠铃深蹲的影片,也让我知道。If you find any better barbell squat video, do let me know.

病人下蹲位足跟着地,腰部前屈。The 3 patient squat position foot followed, lumbar flexion.

医生让她坐下,问了她几个问题。The doctor let her squat down and asked her some questions.