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麦当劳制作了这些图McDonald's created these.

我创建了一个射灯。I've created a spot light.

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因为你创造了万物。For you created everything.

所有耐克鞋都是一样的。All Nikes are created equal.

我亲手做的这个桌子。I created that desk by hand.

人确是被造成浮躁的。Lo! Man was created anxious.

是谁制造了这种可恶的东西?Who created the bally thing?

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封授了八个新贵族。Eight new peers were created.

她曾建立了辽王朝。She has created Liao Dynasty.

女王封他为贵族。The queen created him a peer.

他雕刻出那座雕像。And he created that sculpture.

世界语是波兰犹太裔眼科医生L。Esperanto was created by L. L.

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神造我们成为有愿望的人。God created us to be ambitious.

这造成了一种宛如真实的梦幻。It created an illusion reality.

也就是我们为什么定义焓的原因。That's why we created enthalpy.

一桩好的婚姻是须创造而成。A good marriage must be created.

是为撒旦和他的鬼魔准备的。Created for Satan and his demons.

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习惯是由重复养成的。Habits are created by repetition.

他于1715年被封为准男爵。He was created a baronet in 1715.

我营造了这份低摩擦的工作。I created this frictionless work.