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磨料在磨具中起切削作用。Abrasive in the abrasive cutting role to play.

广泛用于磨具等零件的加工。Widely used in abrasive parts processing, etc.

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你磨叽时,是不具有说服力的。You are never persuasive when you're abrasive.

不要使用会产生划痕的研磨剂。Do not use abrasive cleansers to avoid scratches.

帕布罗,他就会变得非常粗暴。If you criticize Pablo, he becomes very abrasive.

增清剂肥皂或去污剂中用的研磨剂或填料。An abrasive or filler used in a soap or detergent.

光子嫩肤疗法是否会带来疼痛?Is the Light Therapy Process Painful, or Abrasive?

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韧性大,强度高,磨料自锐性好。Toughness, high strength, self-sharpening abrasive.

使用M86切割&抛光剂能减少微粒吗?。Does M86 Cut &Polish utilize a diminishing abrasive?

用于清洗炊事用具的小型的研磨的布。A small abrasive pad used for scouring pots and pans.

你如何处理一个磨料队长还是同事?。How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?

在你努力变的更好的时候,你看上去就像研磨剂。In your attempt to look better, you may seem abrasive.

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他生硬粗暴的态度让他声名狼藉。His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.

不要使用任何一种可能抓伤磨料黄金。Do not use any kind of abrasive that might scratch the gold.

连一侧的松身上,也落了同样的粉末。Even the lax body of 1 side up, likewise fell same abrasive.

金刚砂一种碳化硅晶体磨料的商标名。A trademark used for an abrasive of silicon carbide crystals.

它是用在研磨材料会穿任何东西。It is used where abrasive materials would wear anything else.

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那些含有碳酸氢盐或美白成分等有研磨作用的牙膏。Abrasive tooth pastes such as bicarbonate or whitening pastes.

砂带磨削是一种高效的磨削技术。The abrasive belt grinding is an efficient grinding technology.

但从某种意义上来说,冷静和镇定比粗鲁与愤怒要强。But in a way that’s cool and calm rather than abrasive and angry.