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笼罩这个问题的迷雾挥之不去。It enveloped the story in a fog of mystification.

但我们不能把发展劳动价值论神秘化。But we cannot mystification of development labor theory of value.

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他很熟悉那个城市,知道那个城市充满神秘,可以任由你神出鬼没。He knew enough about that city to know that its mysteries and possibilities of mystification were infinite.

其实,并非所有怪异当你考虑到保密和神秘根深蒂固的文化笼罩整个艺术世界。Actually, not weird at all when you consider the ingrained culture of secrecy and mystification that shrouds the art world in general.

巴拉克·欧巴马的外交和经济政策的工作人员,对中国报告的神秘化让很多美国人都认为现在是中国更富。Among Barack Obama's foreign-policy and economic aides, sources report "mystification" that so many Americans think that China is now richer.

它打破了视文化为高高在上的传统观念,继而砸碎“带高”颠覆“神秘”。It has broken the traditional concept of culture standing high above the masses, and succeedingly broken its aspect of " loftiness " and toppled its " mystification".

说了这么多,很明显我们能看得出,福柯和巴特勒,有相似之处。So with all of this said--and mystification aside, if you will, as well--with all of this said, it seems plain that Foucault and Butler do have a common political agenda.

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其结果必然是,处于精心策划的神秘体制中心的年轻姑娘因为坦诚与自信反而越发不可思议。The result, of course, was that the young girl who was the centre of this elaborate system of mystification remained the more inscrutable for her very frankness and assurance.

实际上,正如李静君清楚说明的,法律只有在法院不千篇一律地地扮演犯罪和压迫的橡皮图章情况下才能作为有效的控制手段和神秘化体系发挥作用。In fact, as Lee makes clear, the law can only function as an effective system of control and mystification if the courts do not invariably act as rubber stamps for criminality or oppression.

他感觉到了情节是靠神秘或宗教的神秘推动的,无论如何,他的感受非常清晰,一个他担心过于生动的明显的非凡的因素,只能加速,上升,我职业毁灭的时刻。He feels that the plot hinges on mysticism or religious mystification. In any case, he makes it very clear, a too vividly apparent transcendent element of sorts, which he says he's worried can only expedite, move up, the day and hour of my professional undoing.