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形式主义也是官僚主义。Formalism is a kind of bureaucratism.

不要沾染官僚主义作风。Don't be contaminated by bureaucratism.

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他们的目的在于根除官僚主义。They aimed at the cure of bureaucratism.

官僚政治与官僚主义是存在区别的。Bureaucratic politics and bureaucratism has distinctions.

官僚主义是社会主义现代化建设的大敌。Bureaucratism is the enemy of modernizations of socialist construction.

但我觉得我们克服官僚主义比别的公司克服得好。But it is good that I feel we overcome bureaucratism than other company.

官僚主义是人所痛恨的,而官僚制则是一个中性的词语。The people often hate bureaucratism and the bureaucracy is a neutral word.

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官僚主义也表现在有一些干部有严重的骄傲自满情绪。Among some cadres bureaucratism assumes the form of conceit and complacency.

这个事实,也是官僚主义病菌正在侵袭我们党的严重信号之一。This is also a grave sign that the germs of bureaucratism are attacking our Party.

政府职能转变还不到位,行政效率有待提高,形式主义、官僚主义比较突出,腐败现象在一些地方、部门和领域比较严重。Administrative efficiency needs to rise. Formalism and bureaucratism are still pronounced.

由于巴黎公社,正是没有官僚主义存在余地的社会组织。As a result of the Paris Commune, put in the organism of leeway without bureaucratism just about.

坚决克服误国害民的形式主义、官僚主义。We should resolutely get rid of formalism and bureaucratism , which harm both our country and the people.

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在管理方法上,当前要特别注意克服官僚主义。So far as methods of management are concerned, we should lay particular stress on overcoming bureaucratism.

因此,贯彻群众路线,克服官僚主义,也必须是一个长时期的斗争。Therefore, carrying out the mass line and overcoming bureaucratism invariably involve a long-term struggle.

要在思想上加强党的建设,杜绝官僚主义和腐化堕落。We must strengthen the ideological construction of the Party, stop bureaucratism and becoming corruption and degeneration.

但官僚主义,却借国家的壳子,漫山遍野雄壮起来。But bureaucratism , the carapace that lends a country however child, all over the mountains and plains rises magnificently.

在党的组织和国家机关的许多工作人员中,正在滋长着形形色色的官僚主义的倾向。Tendencies towards bureaucratism of different shades are growing among many functionaries in Party organizations and state organs.

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究竟是官僚主义、命令主义好,还是依靠群众、说服群众好?Which method is actually better then, practising bureaucratism and authoritarianism or relying on the masses and reasoning with them?

我想政治体制改革的目的是调动群众的积极性,提高效率,克服官僚主义。In my opinion, its purposes are to bring the initiative of the masses into play, to increase efficiency and to overcome bureaucratism.

因为国家的权力常演化到官僚主义手中,而公社的权力则归社会所有。Because of national influence constant evolution arrives in bureaucratism hand, and communal influence puts in a society 's charge all.