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我认为这是强人所难。I regard it as an imposition.

这在他的善良本性上是一次占便宜。It would be an imposition on his good nature.

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对征收新加的赋税人人都抱怨。Everyone grumbled at the imposition of new taxes.

我知道这是强人所难。但是请听我说完。I know this is an imposition. But please hear me out.

对书籍课税造成书价急剧上涨。The imposition of the tax on books caused a sharp rise in price.

这时天气湿热难耐,就连衣服也变成了一种负担。The weather is hot and sticky and clothing becomes an imposition.

理性存在于,对征服自然的方法的强迫接受之中。Reason consists in the imposition of a method for the conquest of nature.

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加压可以作为一种改性钎缝金属的方式。Bonding pressure imposition can be used as one of the methods modifying braze metal.

这种解决方案可以避开路权和征地问题,因此成本更低。The solution would avoid the right-of-way and land imposition issues, and cost less.

这里写的这种令人害怕的体验,圣对人的强占。The frightening experience that Yeats evokes here is the imposition of the divine on the human.

在南方说德拉威语的印度人认为这是从北方来的文化压迫。South Indian speakers of Dravidian languages considered that a cultural imposition from the north.

允许伊斯兰教教法在斯瓦特地区强迫实施,3月18日,伊斯兰宗教法庭开始审理案件。It allows for the imposition of sharia in Swat, and on March 18, sharia courts began hearing cases.

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这些仲裁庭可以为累积数十亿美元的审查提供便利。These tribunals can clear the way for the imposition of sanctions running into the billions of dollars.

这两个组织都要求实施严格的伊斯兰法律,这将会导致索马里的塔利班化。Both demand the imposition of strict Islamic law, in what would amount to the Talibanisation of Somalia.

制裁和施压无助于问题的解决,也不利于推动复谈的外交努力。Imposition of sanction and pressure will neither help nor contribute to the diplomatic efforts to resume talks.

大多数商店与全尺寸的胶印机可能已经通过广泛的喷墨打印机的实行校对。Most shops with full-sized offset presses may have already adopted wide inkjet printers for imposition proofing.

追忆似水流年,相信我们无处安放的青春定会摇曳多姿!Recalling the years rolling like a stream, believed that our youth there is no place imposition will drag varied!

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另外,根据该法的“自动冻结”规定,负债人还可以受保护不受理其他任何的法律控诉。Debtors are also protected from other litigation against the business through the imposition of an automatic stay.

记得被夷为平地的巴米扬大佛吗,还有对非穆征收人头税,奥朗则布强迫皈依…Remember Bamiyan Buddha being razed to the ground , imposition of Jajia, force able conversions done by Aurangzeb.

及各种洗礼、覆手、死者复活和永远审判的道理。Of the doctrine of baptisms, and imposition of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.