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她现在是一个男仆。Goldie is now a footman.

男仆恭恭敬敬地送走了客人。The footman bowed the guests out.

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他们由男仆毕恭毕敬地送出去。They were bowed out by the footman.

男仆和女厨在谈恋爱。The footman walks out with the cook.

直到不久前,亚历克斯·福特曼也是其中一员。Alex Footman was among them, until recently.

目前我是我自己的男仆和客厅待女。I am my own footman and parlour-maid for the moment.

突然有一个穿制服的听差从树林里跑出来。Suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood.

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我曾眼见永恒的守门人接过我的大衣,然后窃笑。And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker.

一只大盘子直向听差的脑袋飞来。A large plate came skimming out, straight at the footman 's head.

霍文的王子和他挨家挨户的夫人的邀请所有的球。The Prince and his footman went from house to house of all the ladies invited to the ball.

伯勒尔曾是伊丽莎白女王的男仆,巳经为王室工作了约21年。Burrell, formerly personal footman to Queen Eliza¬beth, had worked for the royal family for some 21 years.

为了生计,他做过好多事,从男仆、助手到大使。He earned his living during this period, working as everything from footman to assistant to an ambassador.

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她看见一辆车停了下来。随从先下车,为一位先生打开车门。She saw one stop and the footman dismount, opening the door for a gentleman who seemed to be leisurely returning from some afternoon pleasure.

在十字街头,他把名片交给“户外大厦”的信使“北风”,好让住户们有个准备。At the corners of four streets he hands his pasteboard to the North Wind, footman of the mansion of All Outdoors, so that the inhabitants thereof may make ready.

你知不知道当你把名片留与仆人时,为了暗示你来拜访过主人给他请安,你必须折叠名片的哪一角?Do you know which corner of a visiting card you must fold when leaving it with a footman in order to indicate that you have called on to inquire after the master's health?

“我为此花费了人生中6个月的时间,却对我的事业没有任何推动,”福特曼说,“这并非我原先期望的学习机会。"This was six months of my life which left me nowhere further along in my career than before, " Footman says. "It was not a learning experience and that was what I had expected.

她放来放去,压紧,让听差和被她吸引也来收拾的彼佳一齐压紧盖子,她本人也作出最后的努力。She unpacked, repacked, squeezed the things in, made the footman and Petya, whom she had drawn into assisting in the work, press on the lid, and herself tried desperately to do the same.