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这个男人竟把自己的亲生儿鞭打死了,多么残忍!How cruel was the man to flog his own son to death!

中国传媒真的这么渴望对他们的英国同行落井下石吗?Are Chinese reporters really so eager to flog their British peers?

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一个母亲把儿子打至不省人事实在让人难以置信,其他关于准确性的不满。A mother flog her son until he's unconscious didn't seem too credible.

在梦里,我看见有个白色的东西缓缓向我移动,看上去像只青蛙。In one dream, I saw something white moving slowly toward me. It was like a flog.

现今,鞭苔不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers.

如今,对违抗命令的士兵或水手施以笞刑是一种不人道的惩罚。Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.

当今,鞭笞抗命士兵或水手是不人道的惩罚。Nowadays, it is an inpeoplee punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers ofsailors.

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儿子,这个问题我们已经讨论过很多次了。回答是“不能”。别老把时间浪费在没有希望的事情上。Son, we 've been over this so many times. The answer is "no". Don't flog a dead horse!

因为李开复的自传中一句相对无关紧要的话而公然地对他进行抨击--这看起来似乎有些反应过激。To publicly flog Lee for that relatively innocuous sentence in his book seems a bit much.

人们还知道巨人弗洛格在自己生命的最后一天里也把另一个人送进了坟墓。What more there was to know about Giant Flog was taken to two separate graves on one fateful day.

为了长出一层新皮来代替在学期中被鞭打掉的一层,我常常要?上整个假期。It used to take me all vacation to grow a new hide In place of the one they flog off me during school term.

为了长出一层新皮来代替在学期中被鞭打掉的一层,我常常要搭上整个假期。It used to take me all vacation to grow a new hide in place of the one they flog off me during school term.

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你想那些画工竟敢在皇帝宫中做起买卖来了,胆子也算大极了。Imagine the colossal nerve of those painters, presuming to flog their wares in the very palace of the emperor.

生活,是井中蛙所看到的那片变幻莫测的天空,是一道以现实为原材料做成的令人谗涎欲滴的佳肴。Life is the changeable sky saw by the flog in the well as well as a tempting cate which is made out of the reality.

对于经济大潮下的现下互联网,小编很诧异鞭牛士为何要如此做。To the now Internet below economic spring tide, small make up very flog why Niu Shiwei wants to be done so questioningly.

廷杖就是皇帝下令在宫廷杖打因进谏而触怒自己或有过失的官员。Tingzhang is the order made by the emperor to flog the officials at court who have infuriated the emperor or made mistakes.

这个部落格感觉好像是一位工程师的游记,可实际上,他倒是拿了钱帮某家旅行社写些好话。The flog posed as the travel diary of an engineer, but actually, he was paid to write something good about a certain travel agency.

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有的流言蜚语认为弗洛格是通过巫术召唤来的恶魔,而有的则说弗洛格接受了一些角斗士尸体的器官移植。Wild tales included stories of Flog being a demon summoned by occult means, while others said Flog was patched together from the parts of dead gladiators.

据路透社报道,少林寺,中国功夫的诞生地,众多电影武打明星的摇篮,在网上开了一家店来销售商品。China's Shaolin Temple, the birthplace of kung fu and the star of many martial arts films, has set up an online store to flog its wares, according to Reuters.

他们因各种失败鞭策自己。他们的自尊在失落和胜利面前卑躬屈膝。往好了说,很多人的自尊心是不可靠的。They flog themselves for any failure, letting their self-esteem bend and bow at the face of disappointments and triumphs. For many, self-esteem is shaky at best.