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为什么?由于人们不想要另一台脱粒机。Why? Because people don't want another Thresher.

这声音会激怒长尾鲛。Their sound riles a thresher up something fierce.

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介绍了一种新型甜玉米脱粒机的研制。The paper introduces the manufacture of a new type of corn thresher.

本实用新型涉及农业机械,是一种脱稻机。The utility model relates to agricultural machinery, is a rice thresher.

长尾鲨中,成年鲨要比幼鲨鱼航行得更远。Among thresher sharks, adults made much longer directed journeys than juveniles.

本文对横流风机式谷物脱粒机排风管道的形状进行了研究。In this paper, the shape of the air exit of cross-fan grain thresher was studied.

这张照片显示了一条被渔民网住的长尾鲨,拍摄于加利福尼亚州的墨西哥湾。This photo shows a thresher shark caught in a fisherman's net in Mexico's Gulf of California.

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本脱粒机不但脱粒率较高,而且玉米芯又不会破损。The thresher has the advantages of higher percentage of threshing and no damage of the corn cobs.

本文对传统的螺杆滚筒式脱粒装置的优化设计进行了研究。In this paper, the optimal design of the conventional thresher with a raspbar cylinder is researched.

另一种鲨鱼,长尾鲨同样能够像虎鲨那样“直来直去”,但是活动区域较小。A third species, thresher sharks, also showed "directed walking" like the tigers, but on much smaller scales.

“清洁鱼显现出在长尾鲨的身体上某些特定区域觅食的偏好”,科学家们写道。"Cleaners showed preferences for foraging on specific areas of a thresher shark's body," the scientists write.

“笼子里的声音会激怒长尾鲛。我们最好在其它”客人“过来之前把笼子里的东西沉到沙子里去。Their sound riles a thresher up something fierce. Better get them into the sand before we have company up here.

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“清洁鱼显现出在长尾鲨的身体上某些特定区域觅食的偏好”,科学家们写道。"Cleaners showed preferences for foraging on specific areas of a thresher shark's body, " the scientists write.

多功能脱粒机属于农业机械中的场上作业机具。The utility model relates to a multifunctional thresher which belongs to an implement working on fields in agricultural machinery.

夹持式水稻脱粒机属于农业机械中的场上作业机具。The utility model relates to a holding-type rice thresher which belongs to a working implement on fields in agricultural machinery.

玉米脱粒机生产厂家在生产过程中存在着许多问题,导致产品的合格率下降,甚至有许多假冒伪劣产品。There are a lot of quality problems in the process of corn thresher production which caused the product qualification rate dropped.

本文试图对卧式打叶机诊断方法进行探讨,提供一种对卧式打叶机的诊断方法.以便于企业对卧式打叶机的调整。This artical involves trying to study and provide a diagnosing and setting method for customers to set a horizontal thresher correctly.

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很久以前,它们只是栖息在偏远的边境之地的沙漠深处,沙鲨很少会被居民看见。Longago driven away from settled locales to the deep desert wastes of theBorderlands, the dune thresher is rarely seen by city dwellers.

本实用新型涉及一种农业机械,特别是一种打稻机。The utility model relates to an agricultural machine, particularly a rice thresher which uses a motor or a diesel engine as a power device.

一只长尾鲨在墨西哥的加利福尼亚海湾掉进了刺网里,人们为了得到鱼翅,每年都有大约1亿只鲨鱼被捕杀。Doomed by a gill net, a thresher shark in Mexico's Gulf of California is among an estimated 100 million sharks killed yearly for their fins.