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他总是乐观的,并且和善地对待别人。He always optimistic and genially treats the others.

“你现在可以飞翔啦,”汤普森说,将控制器轻轻地递给了我。"You can fly now, " Thompson said, genially offering me the controls.

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“那末你应该马上就学起来,”雷斯脱和蔼地说。"You ought to take lessons right away then, " replied Lester genially.

咳,真没想到会在这么远的地方见到你,“肯尼先生亲切地说。"Well it seems strange to see you way up here" said mr. kenny genially.

“现在把那些东西收起来吧,”他指着那些大箱子温婉他说。"Now you put those things away, " he said genially , pointing to the trunks.

嘉莉温柔地微微一笑,很感激他屈尊赐教,给她提供那么多忠告。Carrie smiled genially , grateful that he should condescend to advise her even so much.

“在店里走不开,”他亲切地说,“我得整理一些帐目。”"Tied up at the office, " he said genially. "There were some accounts I had to straighten. "

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他抓住她的手,温柔地握着,他久久地凝视着她,而她沉思地四下看看,心里一片温暖。He took her hand and held it genially. He looked steadily at her as she glanced about, warmly musing.

她发胖了,没太化妆,她高高兴兴地谈论着法学院毕业后的种种打算。She had put on weight , she were little makeup, she was genially talkative about her plans after law school.

“我也这么想,”甘老先生蔼然的说,仿佛儿子的报告就是对于自己依然康强的一种恭维。"I suppose not, " said Archibald Kane genially , as if the report were a compliment to his own hardy condition.

“去吧,”黛西和颜悦色地回答,“如果你要留几个住址下来,这里是我的小金铅笔。”"Go ahead, " answered Daisy genially , "and if you want to take down any addresses here's my little gold pencil.

库图佐夫念完了这段信,心情沉重地吸了一口气,他用留心的目光亲热地望望军事参议院的参议员。Kutuzov concluded this period with a heavy sigh and looked intently and genially at the member of the Hofkriegsrath.

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我觉得,一个人只有当他自信的时候,才会幽默、和善、易于相处。I thought that a person only then, when he is self-confident, will be only then humorous, genially , easy to be together.

可是看到他还像从前一样风度翩翩--是他那种人的风度,而且态度十分亲切,她对这顿饭是否会使她不愉快的疑虑就一扫而光了。However, seeing him, handsome as ever, after his kind, and most genially disposed, her doubts as to whether the dinner would be disagreeable were swept away.

这架飞机产生过多的垂直电梯,然后与周围的飞机放在特殊的稳定剂的帮助下,解除亲切地往天空!。The aircraft generates excessive vertical lift and then with the help of special stabilizers placed around the aircraft, is lifted genially into the heavens!.

袁部长亲切地与伦敦商务孔子学院的教师和志愿者握手、交谈,鼓励他们积极工作,取得更大成绩。Lu Hong, Coordinator of the British side. He genially shook hands and talked with teachers and volunteers of CIBL, encouraging them to work hard and score even greater achievements.