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这对我来说是一个突破。It was a breakthrough for me.

这将是一个突破性的进展。This could be a breakthrough.

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这是一项重大突破。This is a major breakthrough.

我们只做突破性的技术。We will only do breakthrough technology.

这称得上是一项医学突破。That deserves to be called a breakthrough.

在疫苗方面,没有突破性的新闻出现。No breakthrough news is expected on a vaccine.

这次会议有一个突破性的发展。There has been a breakthrough in this meeting.

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中国官员曾称赞它为突破口。Chinese officials have hailed it as a breakthrough.

我们现在正身处一个重大的突破的边缘。And we’re on the edge of a truly great breakthrough.

话说得扼要但有突破性的意义。It was tersely worded, but a significant breakthrough.

我们的目标是必须取得真正突破性进展。Our goal must be nothing short of a real breakthrough.

如果结果有效,那么这是一个惊人的进展。If this result is valid, it is an amazing breakthrough.

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4月28日,马先生得到一个长期寻找的突破口。On April 28th Mr Ma secured a long-sought breakthrough.

百万解放军突破长江防线。April 1949 20 million PLA breakthrough Yangtze river line.

你觉得纪梵希现在是处在一个突破性进展的边缘吗?Q. Do you think Givenchy is on the verge of a breakthrough?

现代词汇学已经获得了较大的突破。The study of modern lexicology has made great breakthrough.

在图式上较前代也有较大突破。It made breakthrough more than previous dynasty in graphics.

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欧萱的第一部突破形象的爆笑喜剧!Jeanette Aw's first breakthrough in a laugh-out-loud comedy!

科学家们力争在癌症研究方面有个突破。The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.

过了20年,到1888年,他取得了伟大的突破。And then, 20 years later, in 1888, came his big breakthrough.