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窦性心动过速!Sinus tachycardia!

姜窦痛哭失声。Ginger sinus in tears.

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保持窦性心动过速。Maintaining sinus tach.

什么导致了鼻炎?What Causes Sinus Problems?

这是一台现代的鼻窦手术。This is modern sinus surgery.

躲毛窦或囊肿切除术。Excision of pilonidal sinus or cyst.

引起了你鼻腔的疼痛和压感。Pain and pressure in your sinus cavity.

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我仍然患有黏膜炎和鼻窦炎。I still suffer from catarrh and sinus problems.

也是那年,朱军被诊断出癌症。Also that year, Zhu was diagnosed with sinus cancer.

奎宁丁常可用以维持窦性节律。Sinus rhythm can often be maintained with quinidine.

沃威百思不解,替姜窦深深地可惜。WoWei BaiSiBuXie for ginger, deeply regrettable sinus.

周围淋巴窦内有网状细胞。There are reticular cells in the intercord lymph sinus.

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窦房结通过电脉冲为心脏提供动力。The sinus node powers your heart by electrical impulses.

单一蝶窦之麴菌感染则甚少见。Isolated aspergillosis of the sphenoid sinus is very rare.

无骨髓炎及窦道等并发症。No complications such as osteomyelitis and sinus happened.

窦性心动过缓是心率低于60次。Sinus bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below60.

窦性心动过缓是心率低于60次。Sinus bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below 60.

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皮窦是一种犬类的常染色体遗传病。Dermoid sinus is a genetic, autosomal skin condition in dogs.

节律的这种正常变化称为窦性心律失常。This normal variation in rhythm is known as sinus arrhythmia.

硬脑膜强化,伴有邻近的鼻旁窦强化。Dural enhancement with enhancement in adjacent paranasal sinus.