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往针上穿线。Thread your needle.

绣花针是她的武器。His weapon is needle.

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或者先打支麻醉针?Or first to make a needle?

我喜欢银叶茶。I prefer the silver needle.

决定针杆的高度。Positioning the needle bar.

不要伤心了,小针。Don't be sad, little needle.

给我一根引有线的针。Give me a needle and thread.

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缝衣针是琼恩的微笑。Needle was Jon Snow's smile.

就是大海捞针。It is a needle in a haystack.

“嗖”是穿针又引线。Sew, a needle pulling thread.

针扎到她肉里了。The needle pierced her flesh.

注射毒针最终害死了他。The needle finally killed him.

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常规针蒯治疗。Conventional needle Kuai treats.

我把一根针扎进布里。I stuck a needle into the cloth.

指示针完全坏了。My needle was totally knackered.

这位裁缝使用他的针。The dressmaker plies her needle.

这根针已经磁化了。This needle has been magnetized.

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上面不要缝口,也不用针线。Without 2 seams nor needle work.

注射针头刺入他的前臂。A needle was thrust into his arm.

最后我把它扔进垃圾桶了。I tossed the needle in the trash.