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花,还是季候的使者。Flower, or designate an envoy quarter.

使者给我们带回了这个好消息。The envoy bore back to us this good news.

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她是世界著名外交使节。A special peace envoy was sent to the area.

我国已向该国新政府派遣了外交使节。Our envoy was accredited to the new government.

他是联合国海地特使。He is the United Nations special envoy to Haiti.

我国已向该国新政府派遣了外交使节。vt. Our envoy was accredited to the new government.

大使由他的夫人陈晚霞陪同。The envoy was accompanied by his wife, Chen Wangxia.

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总统派了一名特使参加和平谈判。The President sent a special envoy to the peace talks.

联合国特使艾德承认问题的存在。U.N. envoy Eide acknowledges there have been problems.

弥足珍贵,憨态可掬的大熊猫已成为世界和平友好的使者。It is also an envoy of peace and friendship for the world.

总统的外交使节参加会议尚未被选中。The President's envoy to the conference has not yet been chosen.

届时蔡武特使将出席喀方有关庆祝活动。Special Envoy Cai Wu will attend relevant celebration activities.

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黄以轩陪同特使与晏老会面。Yellow to porch accompanied with old meeting taking special envoy.

蔺相如是赵国出使秦国的使臣。Lin Xiangru was the envoy the Zhao state detached to the Qin State.

路易十五国王派出密使调查此案。Louis 15 King send out the secret envoy to investigate this document.

昆塔纳是在星期五结束为期五天对缅甸访问的时候发表评论的。The envoy made the comments at the end of his five-day visit to Burma.

以色列误杀埃及边防军一事发生后,埃及一度威胁要召回驻以色列使团。That incident prompted Egypt briefly to threaten to withdraw its envoy.

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黄以轩送特使去澳门与晏老会面。Yellow to send envoy to macau and xuan of seven characters old meeting.

他还希望作为美国体育特使访问其他国家。Ripken said he also hoped to visit other countries as the U.S. sports envoy.

克林顿说,奥巴马政府很快将会任命一名苏丹事务特使。Clinton says the Obama administration will soon name a special envoy for Sudan.