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船上有内衣模特!Lingerie models on a boat!

买件性感的睡衣或者贴身内衣。Splurge on a sexy nightgown or lingerie.

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无肩带的内衣集成振动器。Strapless lingerie with integrated vibrator.

业内人士免费参观。The visitors of lingerie industry are free-visit.

谁会买高级内衣给自己老妈?Casey, who buys high-priced lingerie for their mother?

罗莎丽亚靠制造睡衣和内衣起家。She started off making gowns and lingerie in her home.

如果你穿上性感的情趣内衣。If you dress yourself for a item of piece sexy lingerie.

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她用花边和刺绣装饰女内衣和裙子。She detailed the lingerie and skirt with lace and embroidery.

三分之二的妇女说内衣是为了取悦自己。Two thirds of women say that lingerie is to please themselves.

除男士文胸外,这家店展还售有男士短裤和女士亵服。The shop also stocks men's panties, as well as lingerie for women.

我喜欢光顾店铺设计华丽的内衣店。I prefer go shopping in the lingerie shop with beautiful decoration.

对于在衣柜里挂满内衣的女士来说,可是个好消息!Good news for those of us with lingerie drawers full of push-up bras!

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你若是女士,千万不要穿贴身内衣,除非你拥有完美身段。If you're a woman, never wear lingerie unless your figure is perfect.

专业内衣展览会,18岁以下人士及衣冠不整人士恕不接待。Professional lingerie fair, the age under 18 and disheveled can't come in.

官方统计在佛山市有40个内衣生产公司。Officials there say they are one of 40 lingerie firms in the city of Foshan.

网站在世界上,黛安芬国际最大的内衣生产商。Website for the biggest lingerie producer in the world, Triumph International.

凹印偶像往往强调自己的性行为和模型泳衣和内衣。Gravure idols emphasize their sexuality and often model in swimsuits and lingerie.

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日本一家内衣公司日前推出一款可种植水稻的概念文胸。A Japanese lingerie company has developed a concept bra that doubles as a rice paddy.

一个以街道为名的女孩怎么成为澳洲顶级内衣模特的?How does a girl, named after a street, become one of Australia's top lingerie models?

搞笑的是他们的总部在一家女内衣店里———————————————搞笑吗?Reashot XigwinFunny thing is their headquarter are based inside a woman lingerie store.