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我经常在周日去游泳。I often go swimming on weekday.

每个工作日都有两名编辑人员被雇用。About two new editorial workers are being hired every weekday.

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平日里晚上要避免过度饮酒和吸烟。Avoid over-indulgence in drinking and smoking on weekday nights.

我们从不在晚上见面,因为我们都有活干。We never see each other on weekday evenings because we both work.

典型的工作日是,小球员由巴士送到当地一家学校。A typical weekday begins with the players being bussed to a local school.

如果你在一个安静的日子,比如某个工作日或周末,去那儿的话,But when you're there, like say, on a weekday or weekend when it's like quiet,

最近一个工作日她忙里偷闲带儿子去看医生。On a recent weekday she interrupted her workday to take her son to the doctor.

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调查发现,孩子在5岁至11岁期间平均每天看电视的时间为2.05个小时。The children aged 5 to 11 watched an average of 2.05 hours of weekday television.

在未来的6个星期中,我们的5-on-5的活动中,我们会在每天针对一支球队。For the next six weeks, our 5-on-5 games are taking aim at a new team each weekday.

改为只在平日繁忙时段提供来往蓝田地铁站及香港科技大学。Conversion to provided weekday peak hour services between Lam Tin Station and HKUST.

平日的午餐和晚餐时段,餐厅提供价格合理的三道菜套餐。Every weekday for lunch and dinner a reasonably priced 3-course set menu is offered.

某个周末,Bulgari在银座旗舰店顶楼的新餐厅内人潮拥挤。The new Bulgari restaurant on top of the flagship store in Ginza is packed on a weekday.

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在播客的开办的最初四年里我会在每个工作日里做出新的话题。For the first four years of podictionary I produced new fresh episodes every single weekday.

几年前,我为了训练自己的自制力,在每个工作日的早上9点到11点去一家餐厅。Years ago, I started that discipline by going to a restaurant from 9-11 a. m. every weekday.

把每个工作日的早晨都用在产品研发上,上午依旧做本分工作。Dedicate every weekday morning to product development, working straight through until lunch time.

每周,马特都会在money.usatoday.com网站的马特问答专栏上解答一个由不同的读者提出的问题。He answers a different reader question every weekday in his Ask Matt column at

平日早上不用过早去赶上班的时间,这样我就可以从容地看洛矶山上太阳慢慢地升起。Weekday mornings are spent avoiding work a bit longer, so I can watch the sunrise over the Rockies.

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周日至周四享用自助晚餐即有机会赢取北京奥运会门票及福州至北京往返机票。Enjoy weekday dinner buffet with a chance to win Olympics tickets and round-trip air ticket to Beijing.

凭本人学生证周一至周五享用自助午餐即可享受“四人同行、一人免单”的暑期特惠。Weekday lunch buffet offer of "Buy 3 get 1 free" exclusively for students bearing personal Student Pass.

这周开始,我将在每个工作日花上几小时去开发我的新型信息产品。Starting this week, I’m going to devote several hours every weekday to developing new information products.