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WIPO为这些活动提供技术援助。WIPO is providing technical assistance for this purpose.

该系统由设在瑞士日内瓦的世界知识产权组织国际局管理。It is administered by the International Bureau of WIPO located in Geneva, Switzerland.

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Taubman说,WIPO在过去的数年间采取了许多步骤,让当地居民参与到了制定决策的过程中。Over the past few years, says Taubman, WIPO has taken many steps to include indigenous peoples in decision-making.

世界知识产权组织同意创建一个新的委员会来实施这45条提议,该委员会明年将会晤两次。WIPO approved the creation of a new committee to implement the 45 proposals, which will meet twice in the next year.

谈判已经进行了三年,这些倡议遭到了一些世界知识产权组织成员国和发达国家的抵制。Negotiations have been taking place for three years and the proposals met resistance from WIPO members and some developed countries.

WIPO还同意建立一个基金,帮助土著居民参与到关于当地遗传资源和传统知识的讨论中来。WIPO also agreed to set up a fund to help indigenous people attend discussions of its work on local genetic resources and traditional knowledge.

去年,由阿根廷和巴西为首的14个发展中国家的集团向WIPO提议设立一个以发展问题为基础的议程。The proposal for WIPO to have a development-based agenda was launched last year by a group of 14 developing countries led by Argentina and Brazil.

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因此,如果保护公共领域是WIPO制定准则的一项标准,那么保护数字式内容几乎是不可能的。Therefore, if the protection of the public domain was a criterion for WIPO norm-setting, that would make it almost impossible to protect digital content.

例如,WIPO如今允许非政府组织代表当地社区与会,并表达土著居民的观点。For instance, WIPO now allows non-governmental organisations representing local communities to attend its meetings and express the views of indigenous people.

最后,该代表团强调WIPO需要制定注重成果的预算,增加透明度,明确目标,以及制定一个明确方法和平衡的措施。Lastly, the Delegation stressed the need for WIPO to have a results-based budget, increased transparency, clear goals, and a clear methodological and balanced approach.

世界知识产权组织无法再继续积极地反对这么大的发展中国家团体,其中包括非常有力量的国家,如阿根廷和巴西。WIPO is in no position to actively oppose such a large grouping of developing countries, including fairly powerful ones like Argentina and Brazil, for any length of time.

当我们从公众健康角度来共同审视药品采购、定价和知识产权政策时,我欢迎有这样一个机会与世贸组织和知识产权组织开展合作。I welcome this opportunity to collaborate with WTO and WIPO as we jointly consider policies for drug procurement, pricing, and intellectual property from a public health perspective.

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继续参与世界贸易组织、世界知识产权组织、亚太经济合作组织等国际组织在知识产权领域的各项活动,并加强与其双向交流与合作。We will continue our participation in IP-related activities in various international organizations such as the WTO, the WIPO and APEC, and strengthen two-way communication and cooperation.

世卫组织欢迎知识产权组织启动一个联合小组,旨在加速开发新的药物、诊断试剂和疫苗以防治被忽视的热带病、疟疾和结核病。WHO welcomes this WIPO launch of a consortium aimed at expediting the development of new medicines, diagnostics, and vaccines for the neglected tropical diseases, malaria, and tuberculosis.

虽然我国于2007年加入了世界知识产权组织表演和录音制品条约,但对于表演者的界定和范围,我国著作权法与国际条约仍有一定的差异。Although China joined WIPO Perfomlance and Phonograms Treaty in 2007, there is still some difference between its copyright law and international treaty concerning the definition of performers.

关于渐进发展国际智慧财产权法的新途径问题,世界智慧财产权组织系以其1998-99两年期计划和预算来落实。The question of new approaches to the progressive development of international intellectual property law was implemented by WIPO pursuant to the WIPO Program and Budget for the biennium 1998-99.

WIPO的使命就是鼓励人们利用这一制度,以实现我们大家全都具有的创造潜力,从而为世世代代人民拥有一个更加美好的世界服务。It is our mission at WIPO to encourage use of this system to realize the creative potential that lies in us all. This will help to make this world a better place for current and furure generations.

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因此,每月中国专利局收到的化学相关的专利申请在2005年超过了美国,2006年超过了世界经济产权组织,2008年超过了日本,CAS报告中指出。As a result, the number of chemistry-related applications published on a monthly basis by China's patent office surpassed the PTO in 2005, WIPO in 2006, and Japan's patent office in 2008, CAS reports.