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为什么蒂皮非得死?Why did Tippy have to die?

我走在我的周围毛尖脚趾。I walk around on my tippy toes.

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你猜歪脚趾忘了什么呀?What do you suppose Tippy Toes forgot?

为什么他们没有确保把蒂皮拴住?Why hadn't they made sure that Tippy was tied up?

龙井、毛尖、碧螺春等都是绿茶的不同品种。Longjing, Tippy , Biluochun tea, are a different species.

苏茜喜欢用脚尖在房间之间旋转。Suzy likes to pirouette from room to room on her tippy toes.

我们希望歪脚趾还回来,他是那么好的一个小家伙。We wish Tippy Toes was back. He was such a good little fellow.

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迪贝,你从来没有读过心理学,你也不需要去读。You never read a book on psychology, Tippy. Youdidn't need to.

我还发现我的爱的能力没有随蒂皮的死而消失。I also discovered that my capacity to love didn't die with Tippy.

对于宝宝乳痂,可结合我们的有机婴幼儿舒缓润肤油。For cradle cap use in conjunction with Tippy Toes Calming Baby Oil.

歪脚趾没说他这次本来就是要去看巴尼和苏姗的。Tippy Toes did not say he was going to stop and see Bunny and Susan.

歪脚趾穿上他最好的外套,戴上他最好的帽子,和妈妈吻别了。Tippy Toes put on his best coat and cap and kissed his mother good-bye.

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今天早上你上学的时候,蒂皮被车撞死了。This morning, while you were at school, Tippy was hit by a car and killed.

最欣慰的是,我理解到蒂皮给我留下了所有美好回忆。Best of all, I realized that Tippy left behind all of my good memories of him.

棉尾巴妈妈开始做饼干,歪脚趾负责帮她把饼干擀平。Mother Cotton-Tail began to make cookies and Tippy Toes rolled them out for her.

蒂皮平常都等在外面,一看见我回家就吠出一整段的“哈罗”。Tippy was usually outside, barking an entire paragraph of "hellos" as soon as he saw me come home.

他们耳语说话,用脚尖走路,唱着摇篮曲。这时,熊开始打瞌睡。They all talk in whispers. They walk on tippy toes. They sing lullabies. Then the bear starts to doze.

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歪脚趾可不明白这是什么意思,因为他一生中还从没哭叫过或是嚎过。Tippy Toes did not know what this meant, for he had never cried or screamed or howled in all his life.

蒂碧跳上我的床,我将脸埋在她温暖的巧克力色身体里。外面,雪堆积在我的窗上。Tippy hops into bed with me and I bury my face into her warm, chocolate body. Outside, snow crests on my window.

最欣慰的是,我理解到蒂皮给我留下了所有美好回忆。Best of all, I realized that Tippy left behind all of my good memories of him. And they come to me every time I call!