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不过我是认真的,金儿。But I'm serious, Gin.

伯顿呷了一口杜松子香槟酒。Burton sipped his gin fizz.

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杜松子酒和甜苦艾酒。I ordered gin and vermouth.

我要了杜松子酒和苦艾酒。I ordered gin and vermouth.

威丽优质伦敦口味纯干杜松子酒。Wembley London Dry Gin N. V.

播放流行的金罗美牌游戏!Play the popular Gin Rummy game!

我走向大地,端着杜松子酒。I offer to this ground, this gin.

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杜松子酒里有一块扭曲的柠檬。Gin and tonic with a twist of lemon.

给我一份琴酒加些苦精。Give me a Gin and Angostura Bitters.

是的。请给我来杯金汤力。Yes, please. I'd like a gin and tonic

你发明轧棉机的过程?Was it how you invented the cotton gin?

我爱你超过酒鬼的絮叨。I love you more than gin rummy is a bore.

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起棕吊杆是踊肿最简单的起棕机。The gin pole is the simplest form derrick.

她坐着嗫饮骨瓷杯中的杜松子酒。She sat sip ping gin from a bone china cup.

我渴望看一眼杜松子酒纸袋。I looked longingly at the paper sack of gin.

尽管他很富有,但是他常喝一般的酒。Though he is very rich, he often drinks gin.

她只在杜松子酒里加了少许苦艾酒。She added only a hint of vermouth to the gin.

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我去吧台叫两杯琴汤尼。I'll go to the bar and get two gin and tonics.

非常干的马丁尼酒几乎就像纯杜松子酒一样。A very dry martini is almost like straight gin.

威士忌,白兰地,伏特加,朗姆酒,特其拉酒,荷兰琴酒。Brandy, whisky, vodka, rum, wine, the Dutch gin.