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因此,竞争是你死我活的。So it is cutthroat competition.

他在这产业遇到割喉战。He encountered cutthroat competition in that industry.

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内莫迪亚人把一生的大部分时间都献给了残酷的商战。The Neimoidian life-cycle has contributed much to their cutthroat business acumen.

黑暗中,一个舞男纽约市的地下世界是残酷的,因为它是淫。The dark, underground world of a New York City gigolo is as cutthroat as it is kinky.

后来的改革带来空前的繁荣,但竞争也是残酷的。Reforms since then have brought unprecedented prosperity, but also cutthroat competition.

身心疲乏是一种危机状态,它是健康的主要杀手。Mind and body's ising tired is a kind of crisis appearance, it is a healthy main cutthroat.

气候变化也对克拉氏鲑的减少负有责任,因为这种鱼喜欢冷水。Climate changes also play a role in the decline of cutthroat trout, which depend on cold water.

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各类电视机之间难分伯仲,价格竞争也呈现激烈态势。The televisions were hard to differentiate, and the price competition was cutthroat and unrelenting.

中国未能建立全球品牌,最简单解释是残酷的国内竞争。The simplest explanation for China's failure to build global brands is cutthroat domestic competition.

不过你也不用担心,在中国残酷的就业市场上跟你一样遭受歧视的人还有数百万。But rest assured, you are just one of the millions to face discrimination in China's cutthroat job market.

在这个竞争极其激烈的世界里,一个服务机构怎么才能保证它的服务质量呢?In this cutthroat world of high competition, how does a service organization maintain its service quality?

更新的繁荣时代在南中国海将需要地区的合作差不多是卡脖子竞争。Renewed boom times in the South China Sea will require regional cooperation as much as cutthroat competition.

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正当我们离开之前,克雷格黑德先生给了塞姆一打系在一起的蜘蛛形状的仿制品,正是用来钓中福克河里本地产的克氏鲑。Before we left, Craighead gave Sam a dozen spider imitations tied just for the Middle Fork's native cutthroat trout.

中国公司在这个市场占据主导地位,他们之间的激烈竞争推低了风力涡轮机的价格。Chinese companies dominate the market, and cutthroat competition among them has helped to drive down prices for wind turbines.

Dixit已经横扫了好几个欧洲的棋盘游戏奖——如Oscars,不过没有那么泛滥,这游戏更残酷一些,而且人人都可参与。Dixit swept the European board game awards—which are like the Oscars but more cutthroat and less riddled with production numbers.

这噬魂匕,却是当年皇室所雇的杀手噬血归魂所用。This bites conscience Bi, but namely those early annuals the cutthroat hired along regal house bite blood to return conscience use.

恶性竞争严重扰乱了市场秩序,必须采取有效措施遏制这种情况。Cutthroat competition seriously disturbs the market rule, it is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.

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艾莉使出杀手锏,她通知世贤维纳斯的董事长是白凤,假如世贤一定要告发她,那么白凤也会受拖累。Ailey use cutthroat MAO, she notified the Yin of Venus, if the President is baifeng hen must report her, then baifeng will be incurred.

尽管印度媒体天生残忍,对轰动性新闻情有独钟,但新闻界的举动似乎像是回到了旧时代。Despite the cutthroat nature of the Indian media and its penchant for the sensational, the press has behaved as if it were in an older era.

对企业而言为了避免激烈的竞争,企业应该挖掘消费者更深层次的需要,开拓新的市场空间。To avoid cutthroat competition, companies should explore the more deeply and unarticulated needs of customers and create new marketing space.