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上海是艺术装饰风格建筑的活博物馆。Shanghai is a snappy museum of art-deco style.

电视和电影节目租借用起来真的很简单快捷.TV and movie rentals are really snappy and fast.

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无名的过客在往昔作了瞬间的踌躇。A nameless passerby made a snappy shilly-shally of yore.

说话时要慢,思想时要快。Should be slow when speaking , make it snappy time thought.

含有柠檬酸橙般的持久回味。Persisting taste with a snappy lemon-lime spice long finish.

他通过运用这样的元素,让这首曲子更活泼欢快He makes this really rather snappy by the use of this kind of stuff.

经验告诉我们,吸引人的书名应该谨慎对待。Experience tells us snappy book titles should be treated with caution.

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“聊天真好”,这句俏皮的广告语源自英国电信。“IT'S good to talk”, says the snappy slogan of a British telecoms company.

最后,我想跟大家分享做最近读到的三篇短小精悍的美文。Finally, I will share three short snappy articles with you that I read recently.

具有愉快、舒适、轻松、年轻而有朝气的室内装饰风格。Have happy, comfortable, relaxed, young and style of snappy interior decoration.

没有谁真正打的好,很明显,结局也不那么令人爽快。Nobody played particularly well, and obviously the result wasn't all that snappy.

她是用墨水在纸上写,但她那短小精悍的评论非常到位。She did it with ink on paper, but it was the short, snappy comment that said it all.

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他衣着时尚,站姿笔直,肩部宽厚,总是看着你的眼睛。He's a snappy dresser, he stands erect and broad-shouldered, always looking you in the eye.

整部小说短小精悍而寓意丰富,犹如一部现代寓言发人深省。The whole novel is short snappy and rich in meaning, thought-provoking like a modern fable.

我喜欢黄瓜混合谷粒做配菜爽快的嘎吱噶嘎吱的咀嚼声,这两个是最爱。I love the snappy crunch of cucumbers mixed with grains in side dishes, these two are favorites.

内容缓存是一种相对较为廉价、简便的方法,可显著缩短您的网站载入时间。Content caching is a relatively cheap and simple way to make your website load times a lot more snappy.

像是那个好用的小小驱魔咒语。它们还会在恶魔出现之前,告诉我恶魔所在的位置。Like the snappy little exorcism spell. And they show me where the demons are going to be before it happens.

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你雇了他,因此你必须容忍他的嘀咕声,但应该运用巧妙的语言艺术教育他。You hired him, so you must put up with his whiny voice but should coach him in the art of the snappy answer.

但是时髦的说法是带有误导性的,这暗示着男性也有某种和女性的绝经期一样不可避免的东西。But the snappy terms are misleading, implying something that is as inevitable for men as the menopause is for women.

那家茶馆极其现代化并充满青春活力。在我们旁边有一位穿着非常时髦女服务生,她的一咎粉红色的头发斜梳向一边并手持一个点菜数码机。The teahouse is modern, filled with youthful energy, and beside us, a snappy waitress with a slash of pink in her hair holds a digital pad.