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布里安主修经济。Brian majored in economics.

再回顾一下经济学的知识Let's go back to the economics.

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这些属于政治还是经济范畴?Are these politics or economics?

啊,测试答案为否了,因此我返回5,对,没错。It's Bush economics. OK? I know.

我打算学经济学。Well, I'm intending to do Economics

我最喜欢的学科是家政学。My favourite place is Home Economics.

经济肇始于政治。The economics starts with the politics.

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Hori认为经济扮演了一定角色。Hori agreed economics has played a role.

我们对国民经济不做评论。We do not comment on national economics.

你好,露西,我想选法语和经济。Hi, Lucy, I'll take French and Economics.

而且现在的世界经济危机的情况也很不妙,world economics aren't perfect right now,

不能把政治与经济割裂开来。One can't separate politics from economics.

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在家政学中有教授多种烹调技能。Cooking skills are taught in Home Economics.

这不就是经济学中的经济人概念吗Isn't that what you've learned in economics?

次年他开始写经济方面的文章。The next year he began writing on economics.

有没有点自由市场经济的迹象?Are there any signs of free market economics?

阿罗悖论是经济理论界的哥德尔定理。Arrow paradox is the economics Godel theorem.

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劳伦斯莱西格和安德森声称互联网正常的规则现在停止了,“但是现代经济没有暂停。”But modern economics have not been suspended.

我教经学已有三年之久。I've been teaching Economics for three years.

迷人的维也纳与经济思想史Fascinating Vienna and the History of Economics