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马蹄踏在卵石上的回响。The echo of a horse's hoof.

“Klim”回音回答到。"Klim, " answered the echo.

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他是主人的应声虫。He is an echo of his master.

三毛是怎样的一位呢?What kind of woman Echo was?

歌声回荡在山间。The songs echo in the moutons.

我在那座庙中听到回声。I hear the echo in that temple.

地板上不再有足音回荡。No footfalls echo on the floor.

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是的,我想是回音壁那幅。Yeah, I think the echo chamber.

陈词滥调的回音。Applause is the echo of a platitude.

她赌表演获得长时间的喝采。Her performance was cheered to echo.

现在回显服务器启动并运行了。Now the echo server is up and running.

时实输出激光回波功率。Laser echo energy is monitored in time.

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恒星爆发数年后的回光Light Echo Years After Stellar Outburst

回声从圆形的墙壁上传回。The echo rebounded from the round wall.

从圆形的墙壁反射出回声。An echo was returned from the round wall.

可以听到微弱的响起那激扬的二重唱。We hear a FAINT ECHO of the soaring duet.

回音壁是皇穹宇的围墙。The Echo Wall encloses the Imperial Vault.

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现在,您可以开始构建回送流程了。Now you can begin building your Echo process.

山鸣谷应。The valleys echo the sounds of the mountains.

为什么回音壁回声那么清晰?。Why can the Echo Wall make echoes so clearly?