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而在美国,我们恰恰沉溺于此。In America, we wallow in it.

不要让自己沉浸在愧疚的深渊里。Try not to wallow in feelings of guilt.

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但是,谁愿意沉溺于香槟啊?Still, who wants to wallow in champagne?

我们切莫再沉湎于绝望的深谷之中。Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

不要陷入自我怀疑的深渊!Never wallow in the valley of self-delusion.

美国人向来拒绝消极悲观。America is disinclined to wallow in pessimism.

有些人,没有工作的时候,只会自怜自悯。Some people, when jobless, wallow in self-pity.

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他疲惫的心继续沉溺于自哀自怜之中。His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.

难道我们没有绝对的权利沉迷在自怜里吗?Don't we have every right to wallow in self-pity?

徘徊于悲哀之中对我们的灵魂是一种伤害吗?Is it harmful to our psyches to wallow in sadness?

等到那个时候,你将会变得平庸。Until that happens, you will wallow in mediocrity.

狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.

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神啊,让我沈溺于令人喜悦的书本的故事中。God, Let me wallow in the joyful stories of the books.

生活中总有戏剧化的一面,但是没有必要总是演戏。Drama is a part of life, but we don’t have to wallow in it.

但是切不可以过分沉浸在过去的伤怀中而于可能的结果念念不忘。But don't wallow in nostalgia, pining for what might have been.

以艰苦奋斗为荣,以娇奢淫逸为耻。Live plainly, struggle hard, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.

但是不要让内疚淹没自己,那是最没用的感情之一。But don’t wallow in guilt. It’s one of the most useless emotions of all.

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我不想陷进去,这根本是两回事,可是我很难不受影响。I don't want to wallow in it. It's not about that, but it was difficult.

但他认为,好吧,到底沉迷这些感受有什么好处?And he feels like, well, what good will it do just to wallow in the feelings?

可能只有那些最坚定的保皇主义者会坐下来沉迷于每一分钟。Perhaps only the most hardened royalists will sit and wallow in every moment.