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金融寡头是垄断资本主义的真正统治者。The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies.

而中国这样一个封闭的寡头政治国家,则缺乏这类机制。In a closed oligarchy like that of China, there is no such mechanism.

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民营化的一个结果是寡头政治的出现。The other consequence of privatization was the oligarchy politics came out.

这些企业强权组成了一个选票难以撼动的寡头政治集团。These corporate powers comprise an oligarchy that cannot be dislodged by voting.

结果可能导致中国沦为像俄罗斯那样的经济停滞不前的寡头政治。The result could be a China that falls into a stagnant oligarchy like that of Russia.

格力,美国和两个空调寡头空调的市场占有率会更高。Gree, the United States and the oligarchy of the two air-conditioning market share will be higher.

古永锵则在不同场合表明,视频网站现在是寡头时代。Victor Koo will be on different occasions show that the video site is now an oligarchy of the times.

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这一政策将会避免中国的富人们变成寡头。Such policies will help prevent China's wealthy class from turning into a self-perpetuating oligarchy.

记者了解到,这与五粮液仍坚持“寡头管理”的销售模式有关。Reporters learned that this Wuliangye and still adhere to the " oligarchy management" pattern of sales.

本文概述了寡头政治铁律形成的原因,以及其在政治现实中的状况和发挥的影响。This text has summed up the reason that the iron law of oligarchy forms, and the influence it plays in.

没有美国金融寡头的参与,全球性股灾是不可想象的。U. S. and British financial oligarchy strength strong, strong control of resources, it is hard to imagine.

政体对亚里士多德而言,即是代表,寡头与民主原则混合的政权。The polity is the regime that represents for Aristotle a mixture of the principles of oligarchy and democracy.

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威斯康辛州以及其他各州的财政危机很大程度上是由于美国寡头政治的抬头。The fiscal crisis in Wisconsin, as in other states, was largely caused by the increasing power of America’s oligarchy.

我们拥有民主和定期选举,而这些与金融寡头密切相连,他们吸干了我们还有我们的经济。We have democracy and regular elections, and are stuck with a financial oligarchy that sucks us, and the economy, dry.

当然也有对婚姻追求脱离现实者,如有些衣衫褴褛的女子却要找金融寡头等。And there are also many unrealistic customers. For example, some women in shreds and tatters seek after financial oligarchy.

目前,中国保险市场是典型的寡头垄断市场,保险业的监管也一直实行与之相匹配的严格监管模式。By now China's insurance market has become typically oligarchy monopolized, to which insurance supervision model is a strict one to suits.

对地主阶级与资产阶级买办来说,他们的寡头统治延伸到了银行部门,金融自由化是一个有利可图的「前景」。For the landed class and the bourgeois compradors whose oligarchy extends to the banking sector, financial liberalization was a lucrative prospect.

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这里辛辣的讽刺在于,与其它州一样,威斯康星州的财政危机主要是由于不断增大的美国寡头政治造成的。There's a bitter irony here. The fiscal crisis in Wisconsin, as in other states, was largely caused by the increasing power of America's oligarchy.

这里辛辣的讽刺在于,与其它州一样,威斯康星州的财政危机主要是由于不断增大的美国寡头政治造成的。There’s a bitter irony here. The fiscal crisis in Wisconsin, as in other states, was largely caused by the increasing power of America’s oligarchy.

如果在将来能够实现和平和公正,则必须在寡头和民主这两个有限选项之外寻求一个新的途径。If peace and just conditions were to be secured in the future, an alternative to the limiting choice between oligarchy and democracy had to be found.