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血液已经开始凝结。The blood had started to congeal.

润滑油可能凝结而形成凹槽。Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather.

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天冷时齿轮润滑油可能凝结并形成凹槽。Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather.

水凝固成冰,汗水凝固成辉煌!Water can congeal be ice, sweat can congeal be resplendence!

我让头发在腿上盘绕,让茄酱在下巴凝结。I let the hair on my legs entwine, the soy sauce on my chin congeal.

日益增加的人口密度将使交通更加瘫痪。The increasing population density will even further congeal traffic.

你打算怎样处理这些数据,使之可以应用在一个公共健康指引水平?。How are you going to congeal this so it can be applied at a public health advisory level?

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粉煤灰高性能混凝土是以耐久性为主要目标进行设计的混凝土。Fly ash high-performance concrete regard durability as main goal go on design mix Congeal the soil.

该覆盖剂具有良好的铺展性和保温效果,在使用过程中粉尘少、不结壳、不挂渣。Under the service condition, the cover agent spurts little dust, does not congeal and has not slag adhered.

从中,同中国广大老百姓结下了以鲜血凝成的战斗友谊。From in, by fight friendship where blood congeal into until China is the masses of for ordinary people let's forge.

终于使我确信,必须把这种疑问凝结成确凿的影像,以现实感去超越其中的消极。At last I believed that, I had to congeal these queries into concrete images to transcend the negativity with real presences.

出自真心的友谊不会因逆境而冻结,如同泉水不会在冬天里结冻。Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannot congeal in winter.

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黑布丁是一种含有动物血的香肠,在猪肉、牛肉或其他动物鲜肉中加入动物血或使用干血粉烹饪至稠密,冷却即可。Black Pudding is a type of sausage made by cooking blood or dried blood with a filler until it is thick enough to congeal when cooled.

磷石膏是磷酸厂排放的工业废渣,不具备胶凝能力,且污染环境。The phosphorus gypsum is emitted by the factory of phosphoric acid, which can not congeal to the gel, and can pollute the environment.

风车哗啦哗啦地响在壁上,通气窗时时有小的雪片飞进来,在窗台上结着些水珠。The wind from the small opening on the wall was whirring, while from time to time snowflakes flew in to congeal in pearly drops against the window.

由气体和尘埃构成的巨大云团在引力的作用下开始凝缩,并且开始旋转,最终变平成为平面状物体,这种物体被称为原恒星盘。A large cloud of gas and dust begins to congeal gravitationally, starts rotating, and eventually flattens into an object called a protostellar disk.

在这些马不停蹄的迁徙过程中,“离”与“归”的旋涡一直纠缠着她敏感的心灵,成为她一生无法避开的死结。Through those flights without a stop, the vortex of "leave"or return" badgered with her all along, turned into a locked congeal she could never avoid.

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粉刷石膏中掺入适量的自制无机复合胶凝材料,可显著提高石膏的耐水性和强度。The water-resistance and strength of stucco gypsum can be improved remarkablely by adding proper quantity self-made inorganic composite glue congeal materials.

就是这种角色所带来的惊奇,即使是女同性恋角色,也不会让这种商业电视影集变得呆板单调。But for that same reason the character does not congeal into the kind of stable stock character required of a commercial television series, even one about lesbians.

内含高效胶化层的卫生巾,可把渗入的液体凝结成啫喱状,受压后不回渗,表面没有粘乎乎的感觉。The sanitary napkin with high effective gel layer can congeal the infiltrating liquid to jelly, not flow back after pressing, and you won't feel sticky on the surface.