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我要消愁解闷。I"ll drown my sorrows."

罗礼士能把鱼淹死。Chuck Norris can drown fish.

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更多人在洪水中淹死.More people drown in floods.

水涨很高,而你却让我淹死啊!You let me drown in the flood.

他决定把这畜生溺死。He decided to drown the animal.

为了钓到金子也不怕淹死。And here they fish for gold and drown.

不然洪水会把你淹死的!Otherwise you will drown in the flood!

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于是我可以淹没那枯涸的眼。Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow.

它们的叮当声会淹没你的低语。their jingling would drown thy whispers.

她是怎么逃脱海啸巨大摧毁力的仍然是个谜。Why she did not drown remained a mystery.

他坐下来等驴子溺毙。He sat and waited for the donkey to drown.

将您的疲倦淹没在花的芬芳之中。And drown your fatigue in their sweet scent.

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如果阿纳金不回答塔姆森,她就会被淹死。She will drown unless Anakin answers Tamson.

再把火蚁扔在水里,就能把它淹死了。Toss it in water, and it’ll eventually drown.

如果你认为那是浮板的话,你会淹死的。You'll drown if you think that's a kickboard.

汤姆在海里乱扑腾,设法不被溺死。Tom beat about in the sea,trying not to drown.

他在水里乱扑乱打,设法不被淹死。He beat about in the water, trying not to drown.

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但好像她想要我们俩一起淹没似的。But it was as if she wanted us to drown together.

有的人喜欢借酒浇愁。Some people like to drown their troubles in drink.

当你拥抱我的时候,你早以淹没在了人群之中。But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd.