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“朱诺”可以回答这个问题。Juno could answer that question.

但是朱诺报复之心不死。But the vengeance of Juno was not yet satiated.

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他扭动他的肩膀,像约诺女神①在扭动她的肩膀似的。He twitched his shoulder as Juno twitches hers.

朱诺紧随着拉多娜,且使用很多方法来折磨她。Juno followed and tormented Latona in many ways.

你有没有在我的缸子里呕吐过?Juno, did you by any chance barf in my urn? Juno.

朱诺和弥涅耳瓦非常生气并威胁他。Juno and Minerva were very angry and threatened him.

“朱诺”号还将协助探测木星这个气体巨物是否有实心。Juno will also help determine if Jupiter, a gas giant, has a solid core.

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“朱诺”号探测器将在木星辐射带中运行近一年的时间。Juno will last about year in the harsh radioactive environment at Jupiter.

朱庇特统治诸神主宰一切的主神,古罗马的保护神,朱诺的弟弟和丈夫。The supreme god, patron of the Roman state and brother and husband of Juno.

要走完地月之间的这段距离,朱诺探测器可花不了一天。Juno traveled this distance, from the Earth to the Moon, in less than a day.

这张照片和其他的检测显示朱诺探测器运行正常,一路飞向木星。The photo and other checks show that Juno is healthy and on course for Jupiter.

这幅图画是艺术家绘制的,展示了朱诺太空船在环绕木星的轨道上运行。This artist's concept shows the Juno spacecraft in orbit around the planet Jupiter.

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但随着朱诺原声带的大获成功,看上去如今的孩子喜欢这些东西。But with the success of the Juno soundtrack it seems that kids these days love this stuff.

朱诺怀疑这母牛的形体里隐藏着一个人间美女的身躯,她的猜测确乎合理。Juno suspected with reason that the heifer's form concealed some fair nymph of mortal mold.

现金绝望,朱诺同意帮助他的前合伙人,玛吉欧尔佐,解决疑难案件。Desperate for cash, Juno agrees to help his ex-partner, Maggie Orzo, solve a difficult case.

他先看过各种雕像,然后再问周彼得和朱娜这两尊雕像的价钱。Having looked at various statues, he demanded the price of two figures of Jupiter and of Juno.

“朱诺号”预计会受到的辐射,相当于照超过一亿次口腔X光。Juno is expected to receive a radiation dose equivalent to more than 100 million dental X-rays.

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如果发动机过早熄火,朱诺号或许仍将进入轨道,只不过是错误的轨道。If the engine shuts off prematurely, Juno might still end up in orbit, albeit in the wrong orbit.

泡利告诉朱诺,是她自己要求两人保持距离的话语伤了朱诺的心。Paulie reminds Juno that it is at her request they remain distant and tells her that she broke his heart.

朱诺救下议员们后,弑星者跟控制自己多年的西斯尊主再次相见。As Juno rescued the Senators, Starkiller confronted the Sith Lords who had been manipulating him for years.