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每天面朝大海,看春暖花开!The daily surface dynasty sea, looks bloomy spring!

终有一天,你会回来,春暖花开。Will happen one day, you can come back, bloomy spring.

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我有一个梦想,面朝大海春暖花开!I have a dream, the surface dynasty sea, bloomy spring!

春暖花开的日子里,孩子竟忍不住打了一个寒战。After seeing the result, the boy was trembled in the bloomy spring days.

奇怪,应该是春暖花开的季节了,怎么倒像是一个迟来的冬季。So strange, Should be the bloomy spring season, it seems like a late winter.

而你将披戴着我的斗篷的情意,走向春暖花开的暖春。And you will be clothed with my cloak cordiality, towards bloomy spring warm spring.

在春暖花开的季节里,我们迎来了第九届英语艺术节。In the bloomy spring season, we have welcomed the ninth session of English art festival.

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您亦可于酒吧享用鸡尾酒。酒店设有一个美丽的冬季花园,全年皆洋溢着地中海的氛围。There is a beautiful bloomy winter garden which evokes a mediterranean feeling all year long.

这类乳酪的标志就在于有一层“粉粉的”表层,这是由细菌在乳酪从内向外成熟的过程中造成的。These cheeses have a characteristic "bloomy" crust, created when bacteria ripen the cheese from the inside out.

其实盛开的花卉终有枯萎的一天,花卉静物画无不暗喻著人生的虚浮无常。The painting implies that the bloomy flowers will be faded someday yet life is even more unpredictable than one's thought.

寂寞是心灵的慎独,若开放在高山之巅上的雪莲花,美丽、静肃!Loneliness is a spiritual cautiousness, like the bloomy snow lotus herb on the summit of the mountain, beautiful and solemn.

在我看来,花木灿烂的春天固然可爱,然而,瓜果遍地的秋色却是更加使人惊喜。It seems to me that spring with bloomy flowers and emerald trees is no doubt likeable, whereas autumn with melons and fruits all over is even more pleasantly surprising.