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我眼力不济了。My eyesight is failing.

他们总是不及格。They are usually failing.

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那次的失败把他彻底击垮了。He was nuked by the failing.

以在实验中不断失败的男孩为例Take the boy who kept failing.

健康每况愈下使人志气衰退。Failing health dwindles ambition.

因此验证可能会说,噢,代码没法运行。Why it's failing to work properly.

如果做不到这一点,让我们来为你指点迷津。Failing that, let us be your guide.

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这里有许多学校运行不下去。There are a lot of failing schools.

我们可能只看到自己作为弱点的弱点。We may only see our failing as weakness.

这名男孩不能升级令父母不安。The boy's failing grades dismayed his parents.

尝试和失败很有趣,但受虐可不有趣。Trying and failing is funny. Masochism is not.

从时间格式转换为失败?Conversion from nvarchar to time format failing?

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我总是担心期末考试不及格。I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams.

作为一个丈夫和父亲,我很失败。I was failing miserably as a husband and father.

牛虻的忍受力也终于不能维持了。The Gadfly 's endurance was failing him at last.

要是没有你的帮助,他们绝对办不成。Failing your help, they would never have done it.

惩罚未填写法律要求的纳税申报表行为的法律。Laws against failing to file required tax returns.

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无法上天去了,因为马桑树长不高了。Failing to touch the sky the tree can not grow tall.

在那个日渐衰弱的躯壳里的,还是那个他。It was still him in there, inside the failing shell.

第二个失败则是对欧元成功的讽刺。The second failing is an ironic flipside of success.