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这种感觉无比的纯净。There is no purer sensation.

那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时。He had a sensation of dizziness.

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你饮入这股良好的感觉。You drink-in this nice sensation.

网络的爱情是爱还是伤害?Meshwork sensation . love or hurt ?

伊达马上引起媒体的轰动。Ida was an immediate media sensation.

飞行给人一种新奇感。Flying gives people a novel sensation.

那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时。The outrageous book created a sensation.

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这种感觉让我们想要抓痒。This sensation makes us want to scratch.

它有没有看见红色的知觉呢Does it have the sensation of seeing red?

酣畅淋漓的射击体验!Experience the sensation of firing wildly!

晚潮可以带来一种特别的感觉。Night tides can bring a special sensation.

你就找一种可以调入的觉受。Just find one sensation you can tune-in to.

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这本新书引起了巨大轰动。The new book has created a great sensation.

台湾版苏珊·博伊尔“小胖”走红网络。Taiwan's male 'Susan Boyle' a web sensation.

为什么快乐感觉是值得拥有的?Why is the pleasurable sensation worth having?

这给人一种完全不一致的感觉。It gives one a sensation of total disagreement.

在网上,他们是立即引起了轰动。They were an instant sensation on the Internet.

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我深呼吸,沉湎于感情中。I filled my lungs, luxuriating in the sensation.

一些避孕套还有纹理以增加快感。Some condoms are textured to increase sensation.

这张唱片,刚一上市,就引起了轰动。This album, just a listing, it caused a sensation.