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斯科拉里该给舍瓦机会吗?Should Scolari give Sheva a chance?

达拉拉球场总是给舍瓦带来好运。The Dall'Ara stadium brings Sheva luck.

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舍甫琴柯将给我们的攻击力增加砝码。Sheva would make an ideal addition to our attack.

舍瓦也要考虑到前锋线的伤病问题。Sheva is also paying the absence of injured players in attack.

纳瓦舍瓦和可以安排送实验室评估的样本。Nava sheva and can you arrange to send sample for lab evaluation.

我们很了解舍瓦,他要再次融入我们没有任何问题。We know Sheva well and there would be no problem with him fitting in.

角球开出后,舍瓦碰到了皮球,只可惜打偏了。When the ball came over, Sheva reached it first but headed off-target.

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我也喜欢埃托奥,他很年轻,但是我更喜欢舍甫琴柯,他就像是我的儿子。I like Eto'o, he is young, but I prefer Sheva as he is like a son for me.

马尔科一直是个榜样,一个舍瓦追随的目标。Marco has been a model, an example that Sheva has followed to the letter.

斯塔姆和舍瓦没有随队一起,而是进行了一系列的100米小步跑。Stam and Sheva did a series of 100-metres half-paced runs apart from the group.

舍瓦踢的不错,最后还为乌克兰攻入一球,他也因此非常享受。Sheva played a good game and scored a goal so he comes back with some happiness.

在先后袭击了舍瓦和我的伤病之后,我希望下个赛季是属于我们两个的。After the bad ill first hit Sheva and then me, I hope now that next season will be ours.

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舍瓦感谢马尔蒂尼对他的赞扬,还有金球奖的提名。Sheva than thanked Paolo Maldini for his praises and his candidature for the Golden Ball.

范·巴斯滕仍然是范·巴斯滕,但是我认为今晚的四个进球把舍瓦带到了他的水平。Van Basten remains Van Basten , but I think tonight's four goals bring Sheva onto his level.

曼联冷漠的对待我们是因为贝克汉姆是他们的核心球员,正如舍瓦对于我们一样,这可以理解。Man U snubbed us and well they can as Beckham was their main player just like Sheva is to us.

舍瓦也谈到了他的德比战,在欧洲赛场的入球和竞选活动,以及他最强大的对手等。Sheva also went back to his derbies, his European goals and campaign, his greatest opponents.

舍瓦会不断得分,巴拉克也会打进更多进球,其他球员也都会有所改变。Sheva will score more goals, Ballack will score more goals and some other players will improve.

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波尔图的主教练费雷拉也认为舍瓦的进球决定了比赛结果。Porto manager Jesualdo Ferreira also believed Sheva 's contribution had been vital to the result.

这是为了适应舍瓦和巴拉克所做的调整,也是由于梦魇般的伤病不得已而为之的选择。It was more to accommodate Sheva and Ballack and also due to those nightmarish series of injuries.

加沙地带的武装力量向以色列南部城市贝尔谢巴发射了一枚远程火箭作为报复。Gunmen in Gaza retaliated by firing a long-range rocket at the southern Israeli city of Be'er Sheva.