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“雷诺”号航行时极为安静,很顺利的便潜入了巴伦支海。In near-perfect silence " Reno " slipped into the Barents Sea.

在巴伦支海搜寻了几个星期之后,正在返航途中。Which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home.

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小船“埃尔科”号在巴伦支海搜寻了几个星期之后。The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks.

依据协议,巴伦支海争议海域一分为二。It splits the disputed part of the Barents Sea into two equally sized areas.

德国与英国皇家海军舰队在巴伦支海发生战斗。A sea battle was fought in the Barents Sea between German and British fleets.

俄罗斯和挪威就其各自对巴伦支海的份额划分问题达成协议。Russia and Norway have agreed a deal to divide up their shares of the Barents Sea.

小船“埃尔科号”在巴伦支海搜寻了几个星期之后,正在返航途中。The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home.

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按照计划,火箭将于8月30日使用潜艇在巴伦支海进行发射。According to the plan, the rocket will be launched from a submarine on August 30 in the Barents Sea.

刚纳对到巴伦支海执行监视任务并不担心。Gunner had no qualms about Reno's mission of spying on Soviet submarine maneuvers in the Barents Sea.

俄罗斯最北部的法兰士约瑟夫地群岛,位于巴伦支海的东北部,并由191个岛屿组成。Russia’s northernmost territory, Franz Josef Land, is an archipelago of 191 islands in the northeastern Barents Sea.

新地岛的泥盆纪和石炭纪地层通常可划分为巴伦支和喀拉沉积相带。The Devonian and Carboniferous strata of Novaya Zemlya can be generally divided into the Barents and Kara facies zones.

挪威籍的瑞加利亚号潜水平台周日架设在库尔斯克号潜艇所沉没的北冰洋巴伦支海中。The Norwegian diving platform "Regalia" at the scene of the sunken Kursk submarine in the Arctic Barents Sea on Sunday.

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这些发现为加深了解相邻的巴伦支海和喀拉海东部的油气远景提供了新的重要线索。These discoveries provide important new insight into the hydrocarbon potential of the adjacent eastern Barents and Kara seas.

每只雌帝王蟹每年生下约10000只存活的后代,单在巴伦支海目前就有2000万只。Every year, each female king crab gives birth to around 10,000 surviving offspring and there are now 20 million in the Barents Sea alone.

白令海峡,楚科奇波弗特海岸,巴伦支海沿岸和西伯利亚地区的冰间湖是最脆弱的地方。The Bering Strait, the Chukchi Beaufort Coast, the Barents Sea coast and the Great Siberian Polynya are among the most vulnerable places.

当气体枪开火,巴伦支海洋里的鳕鱼和黑鳕鱼离开了这个区域,数天内大量减少捕鱼数量。Cod and haddock in the Barents Sea have been found to flee the area when air guns start firing, drastically reducing fish catches for days.

在新行动里,在巴伦支海的海毛鳞鱼抓住冰集合390,000MT新的被推荐的战术空军控制在2009年在5年被推荐的零战术空军控制以后。In a new move, ICES set a new recommended TAC of 390,000MT on the catch of Barents Sea Capelin for 2009 after a 5 year recommended Zero-TAC.

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一般认为,超过一半的石油储量分布在3个地理区域——西西伯利亚盆地,东白令盆地以及阿拉斯加的北极圈以内地区。More than half the oil reserves are believed to occur in three geologic areas — the West Siberian Basin, the East Barents Basins and Arctic Alaska.

待到九月冰层回归,游艇都被拖上了岸,渔船纷纷驶往北面更温暖一些的巴伦支海,另一支船队则开始了在浊冰下游弋的日子。In September when the ice comes, pleasure craft are hauled ashore, fishermen move north into the warmer Barents Sea, and another flotilla steams under the opaque ice.

此外,由于强烈的溶解和岩溶作用,巴伦支沉积相带内某些部分的泥盆纪中期地层上部可能形成了良好的孔隙度。In addition, good porosity could have been formed at the top of the Mid Devonian in some part of the Barents facies zone due to intense dissolution and karstification.